Malaysian Trumpet Snails?

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jun 24, 2012
Ontario, CA
Last time I saw these little guys (or gals) they were merely specks that hitched in on some plants. Goodness they grow fast!


not sure what fish u have in there but if u catch the snails as small babys and crush the most fish will eat them. i no my angel fish love it
Right now those are the only 2 I've seen so I'm not over run at the moment. I have female Bettas & 2 CAE'S in the tank so I'm sure if there are baby snails they're probably getting eaten, those Bettas are quite the pigs.
Oh the horror. These can over populate in no time! You can take the snail out of the shell and offer them to your fish as stated above. My fish occasionally will eat them.
I use them to aerate my sand and gravel. Yes they can overbreed. But I like them and my plants are fine.

Agreed! They are beneficial little snails and in my opinion do more good than harm. You won't have an overpopulation issue unless you over feed or there's an excess amount of decaying matter.
Thanks everyone. Snails get quite mixed reviews, I like them within reason of course!!

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