Male guppies

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 24, 2014
Hi everyone iv had a male guppy along with 3 females and one day he was the next dead, I took a water sample to the pet shop and they said it was perfect so I brought another male,
Within two days he died aswell :(
All the females are perfect along with 3 fry(4 weeks old)
Please help someone

Thank you
Your Guppies

Hi everyone iv had a male guppy along with 3 females and one day he was the next dead, I took a water sample to the pet shop and they said it was perfect so I brought another male,
Within two days he died aswell :(
All the females are perfect along with 3 fry(4 weeks old)
Please help someone

Thank you

Hello Mike...

If you want Guppies, then don't spend any money on males. If anything, get more females. The pet store Guppies are all raised together, so the females are already pregnant when you buy them. Just keep the tank well planted with floating plants and keep the water pure with large, frequent water changes. In a short time, you'll have all the males you need.

Hi B thanks a lot for that never thought of that, good idea.
I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why the males die and all the other fish in my tank all seem really cheerful

Thanks again

Hi B thanks a lot for that never thought of that, good idea.
I'm just trying to get to the bottom of why the males die and all the other fish in my tank all seem really cheerful

Thanks again

Hello again Mike...

I like to add a bit of aquarium salt to my Guppy tanks. Just a rounded teaspoon for every 5 gallons of replacement water will help keep your fish healthier. A good diet of mostly frozen, a bit of freeze dried and very little flaked food is good too. Large, frequent water changes are a must for maintaining pure water conditions. I like to change half the water in my tanks at least every couple of weeks. More often is even better.

Hi there would salt my other fish like
Corydoras etc

Adding a Bit of Salt

Hi there would salt my other fish like
Corydoras etc



A trace of salt in the water has been good for all the aquarium fish I've kept. But, you have to keep the dose small. I keep Corydoras too, and some are several years old. They'll do fine with a trace of salt in the tank water.

Public water supplies have a lot of substances in it. These included calcium magnesium and sodium (salt). Aquarium fish have adapted to tap water for decades and easily tolerate a little salt. There are many benefits to using it. Plants will do well with a little too.

Hi B

Thanks for all you info I will add some salt and see how it goes.

Thanks again
Generally, guppies aren't taken care of in fish stores as well as they should. They are kept in conditions similar to feeder goldfish and aren't healthy because of it :(

Try a different lfs if you see a Guppy you really like.

Hello Mike...

If you want Guppies, then don't spend any money on males. If anything, get more females. The pet store Guppies are all raised together, so the females are already pregnant when you buy them. Just keep the tank well planted with floating plants and keep the water pure with large, frequent water changes. In a short time, you'll have all the males you need.


That's a good idea. Never would have thought of that.
Pet Store Guppies

If you're careful when choosing your Guppies, you can get healthy fish. Even those raised in marginal conditions can be restored to good health with the right water conditions and fed a healthy diet. The bulk of the several hundred I keep in my tanks came from 8 feeder females I used to cycle a 30 G tank almost 10 years ago.

The fish are active and colorful because they're fed a balanced diet and live in near pure water conditions. I'm pretty sure with the right care any aquarium that might be malnourished or live in crowded conditions in the store would do well given the right environment.

My girlfriend just came home from the pet shop with two male guppies one looked just fine the other had a frayed tail fin, didn't think anything of it and within 10 min all my other fish were chasing the poorly one and nipping his fin ? iv taken him out and put him into a breeder box for now as I haven't got another tank
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