Male Guppy acting odd

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Aquarium Advice Regular
May 9, 2011
Ft. Worth, TX
Ok, He is up at the top hiding from the others. Belly looks full, but I did not feed them this morning. (I feed them omega one pellets.) I checked the water yesterday and Ammonia was a little high and NO3, so I did a 40 % water change. he looked better last night, but then back at the top again. Checked again today. NH 0, NO2 0 and about 20 NO3. Did about a 50% water change and I use Prime each time. Waited about 2 hours. he was playing fine and now is back hiding. So I tested water. NH is about .25, and No3 about 10. Tested Tap. NH is 1 to 2 and NO3 is about 10.

Everyone else is playing fine. He will some times go play but tends to hang out at the top away from the rest. Tank is 29 g. There are 6 male guppies (counting him), 6 cories and 1 albino bristlenose. I lost a guppy a couple of days ago acting the same way. He was up at the top one night, with a big belly and then dead the next morning. So, what do I do?
Hear is the best picture I can get
The white behind him is the java moss wall. He can easily swim out, but is hiding there.
Try first feeding some blanched shelled pea, in case it's just constipation. But he probably has dropsy. This is common in guppies who are exposed to ammo and nitrite for too long. IME it is pretty much impossible to cure. You can euthanize or wait it out. If you want to give it a go, you could remove it to a cycled hospital tank and begin medicating. Keep an eye out for pineconing..when you see the scales protrude from the fish..this indicates dropsy.
i agree here could be it but consider all facts first make sure with dropsy his fins are not out or lifted out of place and that his lower fins are not clamped

its been good that you have been doing water changes but in this case if
you are having spikes of ammo and no3 you might also consider cleaning out the filter

i tend to have gups linger on the top sometimes but its due to stress from other fishes could be getting picked or the water quality is starting to drop but all in all they swim back to normal after some time, also what could be going on if you see him swim to the top and stay for a long time and for some reason he flips out when another fish gets near its cause he was sleeping (mind you fish sleep)
just odd hours of stress and play get to you and sleep odd hours also if you have more male gups in the tank he could be getting picked on by other males look out for that.

pea work but thats if he gets to eat it and you really got to be sure of what your gup may have if you find out its dropsy and peas are not working maracyn two helps hope all goes well.
If you are in the midst of cycling, do not clean out your filter. That's about the worst thing you could do.
I cleaned out the filter in the left over changing water on Thur. He seems to be a little better. I am having my DH get some peas when he comes home. Fireball seems to be resting and staying away from the others. And all the others are playing fine.

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