Maracyn Plus Question

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Sep 24, 2009
Issaquah, Washington
I had to treat my tank with Maracyn Plus. Anyway, I was wondering if I could do a pwc before I do the second dose?
I have used Maracyn 1/2 but never plus but with what your fighting you should use a product with metronidazole as a active ingredient.

I would use the recommended dose then perform a water change and re-dose once more if your going to continue that product.

I've also had very good luck with epsom salt at 1tlbs per 5 gallons
Ok, it says the active ingredients are sulfamethazine and trimethoprim. Says you can use it to treat dropsy, etc. I also bought some anti-parasitic food and he ate a little bit, but I am going to try soaking it in garlic. The other fish love it though LOL.
So you mean do a dose, do a partial water change of 50% (normal pwc) and then dose again? Or just dose what I took out? I use 4 capfuls for the 20 gallons, so I would redose 2 capfuls after correct?
Thanks for your help.
I would only dose twice following their directions with a large water change between dosing. Remember to feed Jungles food exclusively for 3 days every week for a month. If he's eating that's usually a good sign. Good luck
Well, it's been over a week since he started acting weird, and he is still trucking! He eats like a pig, and has from the start. I noticed his poo is staring to turn brown also, not completely white anymore, so I am thinking he might pull through this! :D
Ok, I will do my water change tomorrow before I put in the 3rd dose.
Thanks again!
I hope so. He is HATING that anti parasite food. Maybe I will try soaking them in garlic. His scales are still sticking out though, which worries me.
Ok, no pwc until I am done dosing. :) Thanks.

The article confused me. It's telling me not to use salt, but I am not using salt...

He always has a string of poo hanging from him. LOL
I meant a water change after the first round of treatment on day 7 then another round of treatment dosing again on day 1,3,5.
you dose 3x before the first PWC.
every other day, the day after the last dose is when you PWC. this is the only meds we use and you bet your bottom dollar I stick to the directions especially with the value of livestock in my tanks.
Ok, sounds good. I am glad you have experience with it! Today is the 3rd dose, so tomorrow I do a pwc, and then you think I should redose again? Or wait a day and start over? I am really hoping this works.
mine works in the 3 doses.

Do the PWC and observe. that stuff has saved my rear a few times.
He is still super pinecony....I am beginning to give up hope. He did have some brown poo spots yesterday so I thought things were looking up, but he is still super bloated. :(
Well, I don't think he's gonna make it. :( He is laying vertical in the back, and the mystery snail crawled over him this morining. I think I am just going to put him out of his misery. :(
Thanks for the help guys.
I had to put the male of my pair of dwarf smiling acara's down late last week, he was fine when i went to bed, woke up and he was the diameter of a quarter and pineconed bad.

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