marineland hex 5 - stocking ideas?

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Jan 31, 2013
I apologize, I realize there are a ton of threads like this, but most just say 5 gallons, I'm wondering if the hex shape makes a difference in fish choices, as the height vs length thing.
So - I want to do some rearranging.
I know its small, but what are my options, exactly?
A few more things: tank has been established for years, so it's cycled, and the filter does a surprisingly good job considering how small it is. (One of those marineland biowheel dealies)
The water flow from the filter is quite gentle, and water level must stay high for filter to function properly.
So far i've gathered:
1. a lone betta,
(who may or may not eat shrimp or eat the antennas off of an apple snail, which is sad because I love shrimp and apple snails)
2. Planted shrimp tank - which sounds awesome, and I do love shrimp, But all I can ever find around here is ghost shrimp or rock/bamboo shrimp, never any of the red cherry or yellow ones I usually see mentioned :(
If I did manage to find any shrimp, or go with only ghost shrimp or whatever, what numbers am I looking at?

I'm not sure about some of the other small fish occasionally mentioned, again because will the height vs length issue be a problem for other fish? Are there any fish that would use the top level, or appreciate the up and down action of a tiny hex? (My loaches actually had to spend a little time in it while I got my 10 gallon cycled, and they seemed to love swooping up and down the sides.) I assume loaches wouldn't be allowed, but is there anything else that's littler and squiggly like that, or that would appreciate more height than width?
Any other "critters" that aren't fish, that would do ok in there? I often see other things that look shrimpy but are called lobsters, or sometimes crabs, frogs, or newts at the stores, but don't know about their requirements, except that lobsters can get big can't they?

In summary, as far as my regular fish preferences, so far I like loaches shrimp, apple snails the best. I do think oto's are kinda cute.
I saw some glass (or ghost? They were clear) catfish the other day, they looked cool but I assume they need much bigger space.
I'd say you are mostly right concerning your conceptions of this tanks limitations compared to a rectangular 5 gallon tank. I had this tank in the past and I did keep a betta in it, but in the end I wasn't satisfied with the space he had in there. It's also worth noting that the current from that built in filter is a bit strong for a betta in that tank. Some other options besides shrimp might be celestial pearl danios or endlers.
I'd say you are mostly right concerning your conceptions of this tanks limitations compared to a rectangular 5 gallon tank. I had this tank in the past and I did keep a betta in it, but in the end I wasn't satisfied with the space he had in there. It's also worth noting that the current from that built in filter is a bit strong for a betta in that tank. Some other options besides shrimp might be celestial pearl danios or endlers.

Thanks so much for replying.

Regarding the current, I find it so gentle compared with my other tanks (oh no, maybe there's something wrong with it! Lol)

Would you be able to tell me a little more about those two types of fish, i'm unfamiliar, haven't even seen either so I have no idea what they're like.
Also, what numbers would work that I could be looking at, or number combos of two different fish, or fish and shrimp, or just shrimp?
Galaxy rasboras or Celestial pearl danios are nano fish. They stay really small, are peaceful and if you put moss in there they breed like crazy. Endlers or live Bearer Endlers are a form of guppy. I actually have this tank. I was planning on using it to have as a Quarantine tank. But my betta had other ideas. He has killed a fry and taken the eye out of a fish. So, he is going to go in here with some plants. I actually baffled the flow with a piece of plastic cut from a water jug. He will swim fine in there. I did put him in there for like 2 minutes and with the baffle he was fine. He also is a Big tail half-moon betta. The light bulb is strong enough to do plants. The top is the endlers and the bottom is the Celestials. From the internet not mine. Mine are way too fast! The males both dance and display for each other. I highly suggest them both.

PS you can find shrimp from the classified section here, or on ebay. I got mine from
ejaramillo01. Sometimes you'll see them posted. I have seen pumpkin, yellow,Blue pearl, Red Cherry and Fire red Cherry posted here.


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