Massive fish deaths - please help :(

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 12, 2013
Help! I've suffered massive fish deaths 1 week after combining 2 tanks, and fish have white fuzzy growths. Background:

I had 40+ guppies, 6 tetras, and 6 silver dollars in a non-planted freshwater tank. 2 weeks ago, I adopted a friend's 29-gallon planted freshwater tank, which had 2 angelfish, 6 tetras, and a bunch of other fish including 2 chinese algae eaters and 2 golden barbs. He had emptied all but 6 inches of water to carry it to my place. His tank had been stable for 2 years before this.

He said it was already well established bacteria-wise, and I filled it back with water, adding my fish slowly to the tank. The fish were doing well (I thought) until a week ago (1 week after combining the tanks) - when suddenly, all of my guppies and the 2 algae eaters died overnight. Over the next few days, a few other fish started dying, and I noticed that the dead fish and now one of the angelfishes has a clear bubble over the center of the eyeball which is spreading over the entire eye . Some of the tetras and silver dollars have spots of white fuzzy growths on their bodies and fins.

The bottom of the tank and the plants have been covered in white fuzzy stuff progressively since I brought it to my room. I use plant food.

I added a round of antifungals to the tank (second dose due tomorrow afternoon), but I'm not sure if this is the issue - 24hrs after the first dose, the cloudiness on the angelfish's eye has spread to the other eye and has gotten much worse. Both angelfishes seem very sick (lying on the bottom, not eating). I'm afraid they too are going to die.

What is going on?? Someone please help. I have left the filter on ever since I combined the tanks, and I did 30% water changes for the first 3 days after I got the tank, and a 50% change right after the first massive guppy deaths.

I've had aquariums for most of my life so I know it's not a simple overfeeding/etc issue. I have antibiotics on hand - should I use these too? Thanks for your help.


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I had something very similar. One of my platy had that same white growth over his eye. I treated the tank with melafix and it cleared up beautifully maybe try that?
Welcome to AA!!!

What are your numbers for ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and ph? What are you using to test (liquid or strips)?

Both tanks may have been established prior to combining them but they were only cycled to the bioload that each tank held. Combining your 40+ guppies, 6 tetras, 6 silver dollars with 2 angels, 2 CAEs, another 6 tetras plus a "bunch of other (unnamed) fish" into a 29g tank has likely beyond overwhelmed the tank. 40+ guppies alone would have stocked the 29g without the addition of a single other fish.

I suspect your ammonia and/or nitrite are sky high because your fish are exhibiting classic signs of toxin poisoning and demise. Start by changing 50+% of their water with temperature matched, properly conditioned water. Wait an hour and change another 50+% then change another 50+% later on. No more meds- they need LOTS of healthy water! You will need to continue to do wcs constantly until you can address the stocking situation. You should also check the and input your stock and tank size for further recommendations. Please ask if you have questions!

I just learned about cycling but I already have fish. What now?! - Aquarium Advice

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