mating question

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Apr 28, 2011
Currenty I have 2 swords(1 m 1f), 2 platys(1 m 1 f) and 2 mollys(both f) my tank is at a stedy 82 degrees and I've had them for 4 months now and have seen now "action" n want to breed em.

So my question is would it be better to put them in a breeder tank to make the process happen or is there a faster/cheaper way?
I got them cause I've never had sucess in breeding and was told by many people the breed like guppys(which I've never had sucess with those either) but haven't had any "action" like I said, but I'll leave them alone for now and see what happens
Boomer2244 said:
I got them cause I've never had sucess in breeding and was told by many people the breed like guppys(which I've never had sucess with those either) but haven't had any "action" like I said, but I'll leave them alone for now and see what happens

No action with these guys? Hmm maybe you should try conditioning them with frozen bloodworms or brine shrimp, that should get them excited! :)
Ok I'll give that a try. I'll try anything cause I really wanna have babys/fry cause I've kept all sort of freshwater tanks for the last 22 years and never had any luck.( and my fiancé really want them cause their "cute")
Ok so I've tried frozen bloodworms and frozen bribe shrimp and added a 1 m sword and 2 females and still nothing. Should I try putting a male and female in 1 of those breeding nets? Any suggestion would be highly appreciated

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