Maybe upgrading to 20g

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jun 21, 2011
Hey all, I might be able to upgrade to a 20g high tank from my 10g and I was wondering what else I could put in it / if it'd be worth it.

The current set up is:
1x Betta
7x Neon Tetras
6x Ghost Shrimp
1x Apple Snail

I really like platys but I don't think I'd be able to add many of them.. I'm open to all ideas!
You could easily have 6 platies in there if you dont fall for all the babies. Other than that glowlight tetras (would be sweet with the neons), dwarf crayfish, harlquien rasboras, tons of options!
I could fit 6 platys? I thought I'd only be able to add 3! That's great news. If I go through with this, should I look to keep them all the same sex? An I could mix the different kinds right?
I think so. Just watch your water parameters. I would just buy some and not worry about gender. The babies will just be free food :) Whatever kind you want can be mixed.
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