Medicine chest

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jan 23, 2012
Oak Harbor, Ohio
Thiings have changed a lot since I last had an aquarium up an running. One of the biggest changes is the amount of different medicines on the market. Which leads me to an important question.

What medicines should be kept on hand for treatment of all types of fish diseases/infection/investation? bacterial, parasitic and fungal.
Aquarium salt

Other than that, I would think it depends on expiration dates--I wouldn't get anything that would expire too quickly. I think salt can help with a number of fish ailments until you can get to the store for meds.
I agree on the aquarium salt. Fungal infections are not common with healthy, established tanks. If you purchase healthy fish from a reputable lfs & properly qt them, parasites should not be a major issue. Most meds have expiration dates as well, so they should only be purchased on a as needed basis unless you live somewhere that you do not have easy access to a lfs. If this is the case, let us know!
The closest LFS to me is a PetSmart and they are about an hour away. Most of the LFS around me have closed over the years due to big box stores invading the surrounding areas. I actually ordered all of my fish from So I would like to have something for all occasions. ecspecially seeing as I just stocked the aquarium. Everything looks good except for a Synodontis Eupterus (Has a couple of large redish bumps). Nobody seems to know what the bumps are (waiting on ThatPetPlace to get back to me).Pics can be seen here

I just want to put together a decent kit just in case.
Something that I always keep on me for my tank is Maracyn-Two. It's a good all around med that I have found. Some of my fish just died out of nowhere it seemed like. But I went to mt lfs and they recommended that and I haven't really had a problem since.
Ok! A few basic things to keep would be aq salt, kanamycin (best all around fish antibiotic) under the name 'Kanaplex' (amazon), for certain parasites praziquantel (Prazipro- amazon), & for internal parasites & some infections metronizadole (drs foster & smith). Kanamycin & metronizadole can both be made into homemade medicated foods for greater effectiveness in treatment. Please keep in mind that healthy water is probably the most effective treatment & preventive for a large portion of ailments with aq salt being the second most effective treatement. Purchase healthy fish, properly qt them (if possible), and maintain a healthy tank and you should be able to avoid most fish issues. :)
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