Metricide 14

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 21, 2014
As some of you might know, I've started EI a couple of months ago. I really like it; it's efficient and easy on the moneys! But now I'm ready to go full cheapo and replace my easylife-easycarbo (a type of excell) for metricide 14.
I've been looking at it lately, and I can't really find like a european counterpart. I know must of you buy it off Since I'm going full cheapo I can't be asked to pay for shipping haha :D

So anyone from europe that knows similar products with the same components? :)

Sent per three-eyed raven..
Wow thx mebbid! One more question (I'm new to ebay haha): what's the difference between these products (different prices)
ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1427119391.224490.jpg

Sent per three-eyed raven..
Allright I'll just go for the top one then :D . €20 for 1 gallon, that's like a dream for this poor student!
Now you're at it, could you give me dosing instructions for this peoduct?

Sent per three-eyed raven..
Oh and just to make sure, it doesn't harm my x-mass moss right?

Sent per three-eyed raven..
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