Minimum tank size for danios? Stocking new 14 gal.

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Mar 12, 2011
Opinions on this please? Some sources say 10, some say 20. I am stocking a 14 gallon and would really like some glo fish if they'll work in this size tank. If so, what else could I put with them?
I don't think that a 14 gallon is too small, depending on its dimensions. I know what other people say about this, but right now I have 6 Zebra Danios in a 10-gal with 2 Corydoras and the Zebras are doing just fine. They appear to be happy, healthy and just as ornery as ever. Man, I love those fish!

If I had my druthers would I put them in a larger tank? Sure I would. It would give them more space to swim in, and brother do they like to swim! I don't feel like I'm being cruel to them in any way to have them where I do though.

As to what could go with them. Corydoras!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of my other favorite fish. The danios occupy the upper portion of the tank, while the corys rule the bottom. I'd say with that size tank you could easily get away with keeping 6 danios and 4 corys, no problem.

You might be able to add some small tetras or barbs, but not too many. You don't want to crowd your danios! Do you?! I could you give a better answer to this if I knew the exact dimensions of your tank though. That will help me determine its carrying capacity.
After keeping danios in a 10g then moving them to a 55g, I will never keep them in a 10g again. A 20 long is the smallest I'd keep them in. Sure, they're ok in a 10g, but they reallly are something else when they have the room to swim a little. They were back and forth in that 55g all the time.
i have my danios in a 29 gallon. they belong in bigger tnks to get their prsonality to show.
Thanks guys and gals ;) The tank is the same dimensions as a 10 gal but with the extra height. I don't want to put cories in it because I have them in my 29 and I'm trying to get some stuff I haven't had in the last couple tanks I am stocking. What else hangs towards the bottom and would be good for a tank this size? The only other way I can possibly get the danios is if I transfer to this 14 from my 29, my gourami, female betta, and 7 neons. I do always feel bad downgrading anyone :( I might even be able to leave the neons in..they hang toward the bottom mostly and the danios hang in the top half mostly, right? Will Glo fish and zebra's school together? I don't see why not but I wanted to make sure because if I get them I may not be able to afford all Glo's. Does anyone keep them with fish like gourami or guppies and do they get nippy with them? Sorry lots of questions!
I won't disagree with what has been said here, but it's not cruel to keep in a 10 if you have nothing else available. Yes it is always better to keep them in a larger tank if you can.

As to whether they will school together the answer is yes. GloFish are a genetically modified version of the Zebra Danio. I've found that different types of danios will often play together anyway.
I agree with BigJim and MFD.

Can you tell us exactly what is in your 29? Maybe we could help you work something out to where you could get the danios. Your 7 neons would be fine in a 14 gallon. They are less active than glofish/zebra danios and would be a better choice for that tank IMO. What kind of gourami do you have?
I agree with BigJim and MFD.

Can you tell us exactly what is in your 29? Maybe we could help you work something out to where you could get the danios. Your 7 neons would be fine in a 14 gallon. They are less active than glofish/zebra danios and would be a better choice for that tank IMO. What kind of gourami do you have?

In the 29 right now is various shrimp and snails, 2 CPO, hillstream loach, 4 julii corydoras, smallish rainbow shark (he's not aggresive and he will go to a 55 but it will be a while), neon blue dwarf gourami, female CT betta, 7 neon tetra.

I've been working on 3 tanks. The initial 14 in question which is still empty. There is also another 14 with 8 male guppies that is getting hardly any action on the bottom half so I'd like to fill it out a bit if I can. There is also a 20 with 7 glowlight tetras, female VT betta, and GBR. I know I want kuhli's and oto's somewhere within those tanks for sure and I'm getting hooked on this danio idea now too :rolleyes:
I won't disagree with what has been said here, but it's not cruel to keep in a 10 if you have nothing else available. Yes it is always better to keep them in a larger tank if you can.

As to whether they will school together the answer is yes. GloFish are a genetically modified version of the Zebra Danio. I've found that different types of danios will often play together anyway.

I don't think it's cruel either but if I don't end up getting them now I think I'll plan for a nice big school in my future 55 gal :cool:

I thought they must but I had to make sure. If I were to buy the Glo's from my M&P LFS, seven would cost me $55.93 :eek2:
Ok so what about purple stripe danios? Are they as active and zippy as the zebras or totally different? I can find next to no info on them. I want to order them along with some corydoras habrosus and boraras brigittae for the 14. Does this sound like a good mix? If so, how many of them can I fit in there. I'm worred because the corydoras habrosus only come by the 10's...but I can try to find somewhere else to stick some of them. The rasbora's and danios come in 6's.
mfdrookie516 said:
After keeping danios in a 10g then moving them to a 55g, I will never keep them in a 10g again. A 20 long is the smallest I'd keep them in. Sure, they're ok in a 10g, but they reallly are something else when they have the room to swim a little. They were back and forth in that 55g all the time.

Yes they do! Like the 70's man.
Yes in my opinion, I wouldn't keep danios in less than a 20 gallon. That is my opinion only.
OK. That's the opinion I had come to for the zebra danios. So are you familiar with the purple stripe then? Are they much like the zebras? I have different tank options to put them in, I just want to get an idea on their behavoir before they arrive, if I can. There is a lot of info out there on the danio rerio but I can't find much on the chela dadybujori.
You know it's funny because your sig says you are keeping danios in 10 gals ;)
No it says 55 gallon I have 20 total in it, nothing else.
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