Missing anol fin???

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 2, 2003
hi, i was just looking at my goldfish, and i noticed that one of them only has one anol fin, all the rest have two. I was wondering if this is bad, or simply just a defect. He can still swin perfectly normal. what's up???
Did it have two anal fins in the first place? Does it look like it has been damaged or is it just completly missing?
well, it may not be the anol fin in the first place. It is one of the fins right behind the "arms", or when you look at the fins on the bottom, the ones in the middle. well i am not sure if it was always that way, but no it does not look damaged at all, it looks perfectly normal, exept for the fact that it isnt there.
Yes i think that is the anol fin. And i think that its just some defect. As long as it is swimming and living happily i wouldn't be too worried. :mrgreen:
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