Missing Clown

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 24, 2006
My clown has gone missing from my tank! I've looked everywhere and no signs of him. I did install a AquaC remora skimmer with a surface skimmer box. I thought maybe he got sucked in (I don't see how but I looked anyway) and nothing. My other clown is in QT and the only other fish in the main tank is a red lip blenny. I was told by LFS that they are alage eaters. Could the blenny have eaten my clown? :(
one of my clowns got sucked into my aqua c remora :(. if found him curled in the intake :(. the other is still a mystery. i checked everywhere, under lr, in the skimmer, on the floor etc.... i assume he got sucked up, too, and the clean up crew took care of the rest. im definately getting a screen to put over that intake before i add anymore fish!!!
Is that skimmer different thant he aqua c remora pro? I ask because mine came with a big pice of foam that goes over the pump intake. Is there another place that is a problem area on this thing?
mine didnt come with the foam and i havent noticed any other problems that could arise. just cover that intake!! :)
Over the weekend I saw a crab in my tank that I didn't know I had. It was approximately 1 1/2" or so length wise. The only way I can think he got in there was hitching on my LR when I did my setup. He must have survived about 2 months without me putting food in the tank. As soon as he realized someone was watching him he darted under the LR and hasn't been seen since. I'm wondering if he would be responsible for my missing clown??
arliss said:
I'm wondering if he would be responsible for my missing clown??

thats definitly a possibility, i fyou could get a picture of the little critter we may be able to investigate a little deeper. Your best bet would be at night after the lights have been off for a few hours, just try and snag a picture of him... HTH
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