Mixed stories on what I can do with my tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Aug 2, 2012
Right now, I have my Delta-Tailed Betta, he is the happiest little thing ever, his name is Bubbles, because all he does is fill 60% of the tank with a bunch of baby bubbles. He gets super excited when people walk in the room to look at him and loves to be watched and get attention.

I thought about upgrading my tank (He's in a 2.5 gallon, he loves it, even though it's "recommended" for 5 gallon tank). So, I found this 5 1/2 gallon tank that looks great, works great, love it.

I went on Youtube (probably not the best source for information), but I just looked to see what people did with their 5 gallon tanks, and I looked at quite a few, some people obviously over-stocked and some, I was wondering if it would be considered over-stocking.

This video, was probably the best set up I saw and one that I really loved. Amazing 5 Gallon Community Fish Tank - YouTube

I do think he has too much, but I thought to myself, with fish that small, do you follow the 1 inch per gallon rule, or do you listen to the pet store people when they say the tiny fish needs 10+ gallons?

I wanted to add 2-4 more fish with my betta.

Either a 2-3 mollies, a Blue Platy with a Sword-tail, and etc with the combinations. But a lot of people said if I added my Betta with anymore fish, they would all die and never be happy and what not. And telling by the video that I linked, his fish look healthy and they look happy, so I was wondering what I should do.
Reason for not getting a huge tank is because current manager says no bigger than 5 gallons. He's apparently worried about water damage, if the tank were to spill or something.
IMO none of those fish are suitable for a 5 gallon. a dwarf gourami should have 10 gallons and the neons, rasboras and cherry barbs should have more like 20. Also cherry barbs are also schooling fish, there should be at least 5-6 of them.

I know you see these little fish and think they are so small so must be good for a little tank but they are very active and fast and do best with bigger tanks. I have rasbora and neons in a 20 and they make total use of all of the space there.

For a 5 gallon there isn't really much you can put in. I'd suggest maybe some shrimp but betta are ify on tank mates. Some do great in a community and others won't even allow shrimp. It's really down to the personality of the fish. The thought that they will attack and kill anything is false. They are just as much at risk from other fish as others are of them. Those long flowy fins become a big old target to some. But again, each fish has a personality of it's own so it's a gamble.
I have platies,cherry barbs, dwarf Gouramis all in a 30. IMO you shouldn't add more fish to go with the betta, you could try snails though.
I agree, a 5 gal isn't much room and the fish you listed need bigger tanks. Bettas tend to be territorial and do best on their own anyway. You could try a small snail (Nerites are good as they stay relatively small and can't breed in freshwater) or shrimp but they might become a costly snack depending on your Bettas personality.
Thank you all for your opinions. I will keep him by himself or I will move.
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