Aquarium Advice Addict
My Dalmatian Molly Cruella is being the dominant one to her other tank mates, Female Creamsicle Molly Suki and Female Silver Molly Charger. There is also a male Platy Meringue, but she ignores him.. he just swims along behind watching the fuss. She and Suki were wrestling going in tight circles till Suki swam away with Cruella chasing her... she chases Charger too, but not as severely. I thought her dominance, and previous mild chasing behavior was due to my male Dalmatian Molly being removed from the tank (the previous dominant one) so she thought she'd take over the tank in his absence. I also thought it had to do with her being heavily pregnant and just being a moody mama... she dropped fry last night.... so that doesn't seem to be the case right now.. She's just being quite a stinker... anyone know what's going on? They're in my 29 gallon ... seems that Suki is dominant with both the Silver Molly and the Platy, until Cruella comes chasing after her... is it just a dominance dance trying to get the pecking order established? They've been together for a month and in the 29 gallon for the last two weeks.