Molly Fish Breeding

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 21, 2017
Can anybody tell me any traits that a molly would have when close to giving birth so I know when to transfer to a breeding box or another tank 20170222_212134.jpg
Sure! I've read a lot on it recently. My mollies have been giving birth too! There's some things that ranged true with mine, and some that didn't. I guess all fish are different :fish1:

The sign that is the most obvious and all around correct is that she will get a box shape; you will know it when you see it! If you're not sure if she's in the box shape, then she isn't! YOU WILL KNOW! The box shape means she's about to drop. Now how long until then varies from hours to a week! One of my mollies had a box shape for about a week before she finally birthed, but others have had theirs drop immediately. What makes timing so hard is mollies have the ability to hold on to their babies if they don't feel comfortable yet, such as if the water isn't the best quality, or if other fish won't give her space, or if the father doesn't leave her alone, the latter having been my issue.

A sign stated by others but not seen by all is the ability to see the babies' eyes through her stomach (if she's a white/silver/platinum). Mine are white and I never saw anything, but some say they did, so you'd never know. That's also a sign she's about to drop.

Third sign is overall body language. She will start hugging the ground, spending time under the heater, hiding more often than normal. Now this does not mean it's suddenly about to happen, more it will happen somewhat soon, few days to a few weeks.

FYI, she will also become more aggressive to others before, during, and after birth!

Hope I didn't talk your ear off! Wish you the best of luck! (y)
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