molly with mysterious maladie

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jun 3, 2008
hi there everyone,
I have a ten gallon tank with an odd problem. I have three balloon mollies (one male, two females) and two guppies. Everyone is completely fine except for my one female molly. About a week ago a small red spot appeared behind her left eye, but in front of her gills. It originally looked like dried nail polish on the surface of her skin, it then grew in size and now looks like a cut. I spoke to a petstore employee who said it sounded like a bacterial problem and told me to use melafix. I have treated the tank as the bottle instructs, but low and behold the "cut" has not gone away, furthermore she has devolved another one in the same location on her right side. The cut is red, but the skin around it seems completely normal. I have no witnessed any scratching by her or anyone hassling her. She is a solid white fish btw if that matters at all. She eats and swims completely normally and has no signs of discomfort or pain. The other fish are all completely normal.

She been in the tank for about 3 months now and she was the last addition to the tank.
temperature=79 degrees fahrenheit, 29 degrees celsius


I appologize I am not a photographer :)
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