Monocirrhus polyacanthus wount eat...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Oct 22, 2007
In October a particular tank of 44 liters (only M.polyacanthus present) had an ectoparasite problem, the anchor worm. I treated the problem and now no more anchor worms are present. during this period I performed various water changes (ranging between 30% and 40%). after this I bought food (i.e. 2 small sized fish which can be eaten) as I used to do before the anchor worm problem came out. But there was no interest from the leaf fish to the food. on 28th November I noticed fungal growth on its forehead. applied Methylene Blue and the fungal growth reduced. but still no interest in is 7.5, Nitrite are less then 0.3 and nitrate are less then 12.5. weekly I add 10ml of Tetra Aqua - Easy Balance. last WC on 21st Nov. This fish was bought on the 27th July.

It been more than a month since this fish ate last...are there any clues of what I can do to stimulate interest in food?...thanks

I'm sure the fish is eating, just not around you when you see it. Or are you only feeding small fish?

Have you tried frozen or live foods? Something smaller maybe that will pique their interests?
i think i wasnt clear... 2 weeks ago i placed 2 small fish the size of neon tetras that she usually eat...and since then she never had any interest in eating...the only think im feeding in this tank right now are these 2 fish (which im beginning to like)....

Before, Immediately when i place the plastic bag with the fish in the water, she used to even come by the bag, waiting for me to release them, then eating them...

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