Monster on the loose!!!0_0

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 11, 2004
The South-SOoTHWEsT that is
Almost forgot to mention..(daughter brought it up while eating breakfast)
Yesterday I had a few errands to run and so the downstairs fish missed breakfast (full feed) and lunch (tidbits/treats).
I guess the lid was not on tight on the bichir's tank (or he is getting stronger with size).
As I go down the stairs I see something iccky. Laundry carelessly thrown down the stair? I reach....
EEEEEE! It is slimy!
My first thought was a regurgitated mouse (though she now studiously avoids the fish, our overfed cat is a mediocre mouser -she keeps em away but doesn't always actually eat them)..eeew!
I nearly flung poor Wu down before my hindbrain registered.. 'it's the birchir!'
He had gathered some lint and a childs sock on him as he was crawling up the stairs! He had made it up 8 out of 15.

He was quite wiggly, so I was relieved. Talk about reproachful! Soon as I cleaned him off (HARD. He is one slippery fella) and put him in his tank he began doing his side to side rock with the fin slap on the side.. (translate as Feed Me Seymour!) normally if he is upset (like at water change )day he will flash around 2-3 times and sulk in his cave and won't eat. Uh-uh! He ate 6 whole baby gobies!(he ususally eats3-4).
Guess no missedd meals for HIM!

And newer bichir owners? Bichir owner gonna-bes? WEIGHT YOUR LID!!
I am glad I found him too. He is one of my two favorites here!

There is no room in this monstrous house that someone doesn't wander through at least once a day. And other than errand day..there is always a body present. When it comes to tanks escapees during my first weeks, 3 ghost shrimp have met poor ends out of the tank and the gourami who wanted coke to add life (it didn't).
Very few are uncovered now. Most other are quickly retrieved (the ones that mange deespite covers).
I even had a loach out once (tank switch day..prolly hitchikked on ornament. OW they fin ya like catfish!)
That's crazy that your fish can climb stairs... wonder how I can teach mine that? :lol:

Good thing you found him when you did!
lol gotta love the fish like that. A friend of mine has an aquarium maintenance business, and he went in to do some work on a tank at a hotel, that had a rather large Clarias catfish in it. well, when he got there, the lobby was empty, so he went around back, to get started on the tank, when he got up there, he looked to see the 24" Walking Catfish, doing what his names sake says, going for a nice little stroll across the floor. He said when he tried to pick the thing up, it actually started to much as a catfish can, anyway. Wrestled pretty good with him, wiped him off with a wet cloth, and plopped him back in, same type of thing, first thing he wanted, was food.
Thats actually partially why fish such as Walking Cats, Bichirs, and Snakeheads leave the water in the wild. Its usually to find a better source of water, or food. Snakeheads are especially good at this, they can leave the water system they're living in, and walk for miles to find a more hospitable home. Very interesting fish, a shame they're illegal nationwide now.
lol, awesome story Christmasfish. BTW, I've also had a loach out of water for some time when the bugger refused to come out of his hole in a piece of wood and I didn't know he was still there.
Maybe you should build a little ramp leading right up to the refrigerator. :wink: :D

And snakefish - aren't they the fish that caused such a ruckus a few years ago? I remember the authorities had to poison a pond in MD to prevent them from spreading. I think you can still buy them in NYC's Chinatown - dead, of course - they use them to make soup.
Yep those are the fish. Channas are very closely related to my heart-dear belontiidae. I think they were going nuts. I can't believe a whole population was surviving winters with no help. And what native-to-THAT-area species are they going to eat in farm ponds?
If it was in Florida I may worry more, but then again..Asia has aligators, doesn't it? Maybe Fla gators would think them tasty too...
Fla has so many non-native things in thier waters i am really surprised they worry about a few more..their native animal ARE imports half the time...heh!
but something the size and appetite of a channelcat that can move fast could be a concern for endngered, weak, delicious species....Specially if it can change location on its own.
Most of our out of towner animals are caused by accidents at the airport. Specially major international ones like Miami, which boarders swampland.

Then you have aquariist that don't know any better, with the mentality " He'll be happier in his home " even tho his home is on the other side of the world, in the other side of the equator.
I hear tell that it is actually sports enthisiasts that did the most damage to native ecosystem by introducing viable numbers foreign game fish to florida waters (Which people fly to Thailand to land snakehead).
of course no one does THAT anymore....heh

I lived in Jacksonville for a short but. When I was little we lived in Cuttler Ridge near Miami. Den we loadedd up de truk an movd ta beverli...

now I am in Washington state and wonder which season I prefer....
warm and wet or cold and wet.!
What a story! I wonder where he thought he was going? Must....get....up....stairs......
If it had been a mammal or bird I would say he was coming to bug about chowtime. The TV is usually on for the macaw when we are gone.

I am sure fish have a bit different life agenda in mind.....
..or have they been domesticated to the point now that they also are going to "meow around our feet?" 8O oh No! I neeed a sewing room with a lock demmit!
I have an interesting Polypterusstory too. I had a 12 inch P. senegalus work its way out of its tank and start on a quest across the living room floor (I was in another part of the house at the time). I heard a commotion from the living room and strolled in to find my cat in 'I'm terrified' mode and the Polypterus was making short, hopping lunges in the cat's direction. Apparently the cat went for what looked like a tantalizingly easy snack and the Polypterus wasn't particularly keen on the idea of becoming feline lunch. 8O
Thats the problem Snakeheads can cause some major damage in non-native waterways, in areas that dont have large predators, especially, they could very quickly wipe out populations of small fish, then simply walk on to the next waterway. And yes, China does have alligators, different species, but still gators, and while adult Chinese Gators will feed on mid sized Snakeheads, Snakeheads also feed on baby, and juvenile gators, most insane thing I've heard of is someone witnessing a 5' Snakehead consuming a 3ft juvenile Chinese Gator.
Good thing you found him......... :roll: It's a relief I guess......of course.. Even if scientists do know that they can climb stairs and live outside for a while, 8O That would make me feel akward to have a fish that could climb stairs :D Your story really painted the picture bit by bit.. :fadein: Of course it would be funny if you had a circus of crawling fish......Of course ....What would you call it? A suggestion...........Bichirs not Bikers :lol: Of course....then might just want a dictionary.....Not for the name but for the weight....See,.. LIFTING weights isn't always what you want to do.. :lol: Peace! 0X
Even worse would be if it got outside. Start putting up MISSING signs on Street Poles, with a mug shot of the fish. Or, running down the street, calling out the fish's name, can imagine that would get more than a few looks.
Hah! :lol: That would be hillarious! Too bad that the cage wasn't the only thing unweighted- or closed for that matter.....Attention! Attention!Sign of roadkill( looks like eel)( small eel)! Uh-oh! :lol: :D :lol:
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