Moray eel

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 28, 2011
Big spring tx
I was just wondering if anyone could help me, I have a g. Tile moray eel and it's weird his color is really pretty but sometimes he will get like a whitish grey color. He eats everyday or two days he is growing big. I just wanted to know if the color change is normal or is something wrong? Any help would be great thanks.
Well.. "Freshwater" Moray Eels really need brackish water to thrive. Do you have a brackish water tank?

How big is the tank?

What tank mates?
steez said:
Well.. "Freshwater" Moray Eels really need brackish water to thrive. Do you have a brackish water tank?

How big is the tank?

What tank mates?

Yes he has brackish water in a 15 gal until Thursday. There is two dalamation mollies one male one female, he ate the other female
15 gals seems really small, maybe he gets stressed out because of the small space.

How big is he?

Is it a cycled tank?

What are your exact water parameters?
Honestly I have no test I have been looking around to see which ones I need. I looked up how to make brackish water and I have slowly been putting the salt in so it doesn't send him into shock. And yes I know the tank is to small he was small when I first got him. We already have the tank picked out for him. Waiting on payday to get it. And yes the tank is cycled I have had him for about six months and he has grown so big. Any test kits u could suggest would be great. I have never had brackish tanks just fish water. I am just going by how he acts and looks. I want everything perfect for him so anything u could suggest would be very helpful thanks.
Wow I just wrote up a nice big post for you and my internet crashed and I lost it.

In a nutshell: You need a test kit to even know if you're cycled or not, and to monitor your water changing. Eels are very sensitive, you have to have good water conditions for them. With a 1.5' eel in a 15g tank, i'm sure the bioload is huge.

I've never personally kept a moray, but here's some things i've read about them.

1. The “secret” of keeping morays are to understand that these animals are very easily stressed if not given the right environment. And if they feel stressed they’ll stop eating and slowly fades away over 2-3 months, which explains many of the rumours surrounding these fishes.

2. First of all I would like to stress that these fishes are not really freshwater fishes, even if they can be found from time to time in freshwater. They are much rather kept in brackish waters. This said I should add that it is possible to keep these fishes in freshwater more permanently, however the fishes are much more sensitive in freshwater and therefore this is not recommended if you don’t have extensive experiences with these species and even then brackish water is preferred.

3. recommend a big aquarium, at least 540 L/120 Gallon for these fishes which grows to about 60 cm. The aquarium should be decorated with a lot of hiding places.

4. fishes if well taken care of live to be 35 years old they might become a long time acquaintance

So... the fact that you don't have a test kit scares me. Also the small tank is going to add a ton of stress.

He will require a very big tank, so you'll have to invest in tank, lighting, new filtration, new substrate, new decorations, new heater, etc.

I know that you said you have a tank picked out for him, but what size is it?
Ok one thing I have read all that stuff too. But with the type I have they recommend a 30 gal per eel. See when I got him they said he was freshwater I got home and started doing research. Found out all kinda of stuff like he eats cocktail shrimp they told me he ate blood worms. Lies! I have slowly been getting what he needs. He actually died on me once, it scared me bad. To much salt! What kinda test do I need to check the salt level. And I know how sensitive they are so while my other tanks get one water change per week he gets two to three. I want what's best and no way can we afford a 120 g right now so I will go head and get him this tank cuz it's one **** of a deal. I will start saving money to get him bigger. I have three tanks that I have to upgrade on cuz I was misinformed about all my fish I have. I am getting it done but it's going to cost a pretty penny.
Well I'm glad that you're taking the initiative to fix things! A lot of people just say "no that's dumb, my fish are fine" :)

120G May be an overkill, I would just be scared to see a 2 foot eel in a 2 foot long tank haha.

I guess since they are an eel it wouldn't matter as much.

Salt tester? idk. I don't have a brackish tank, someone else can chime in on that.
Freshwater angelfish it was a blue veil bought him off the Internet like four months ago. He was doing great until this morning.
Whats wrong with your angel?
BTW, I researched that specific eel and found the same thing. The sites said 30g was fine. Just so everybody knows, this poster has put a lot of research and effort into making sure, "Drop Dead Fred" is as happy as possible. :)
I still recommend the API master kit for freshwater for your other tanks, but I do not know about the brackish one...
Some sites I read said 30+, some said 100+ for morays. I was mainly thinking about looking at a 2ft specimen in a 30g tank. Seems scary haha. As long as it says it will work though, whatever right? :)
My angel died :( just a few minutes ago. I don't know what could have been wrong he has been doing wonderful eating, color was finally coming in. This morning when I fed everyone he didn't eat I figured he wasn't hungry then he was coming to the top acting like he couldn't breathe and just went limp started floating around the tank in circles so I took him out put him in clean water then did water change on tank. I let the tank settle for a minute and put him back he floated to the bottom by a plant and died. I have no clue what is an angelfish life span?
Well I'm sure he didn't die from being too old.

You earlier posted that you don't have a test kit, this is crucial to knowing why fish are sick. I'm sure he's dying from water conditions and/or stress.

Pretty much all the same info from the eel is needed to know whats wrong with your angel.

Tank size?
Tank mates?

When you say that you took him out and put him in clean water, was the water a different temp? It can shock fish to just take them out and put them in new water, you'll always want to use tank water.
Some sites I read said 30+, some said 100+ for morays. I was mainly thinking about looking at a 2ft specimen in a 30g tank. Seems scary haha. As long as it says it will work though, whatever right? :)
Did you read the ones specifically about his species? At first I was sceptical, but the sites I saw all said the the same thing. Before I researched it, I said in a different thread that the OP would need like a 6 foot tank. Thats when I was told how much research the OP had done about the eel. I agree though, not used to that idea yet, but yeah, as long as it works, then hooray!

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