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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Apr 6, 2014
I really can't figure out what's going on with my cycling. I add ammonia - test it to make sure it's the right level then check it every day. After a while it reads zero (or close to zero) so I also check Nitrates and Nitrites - but both of them read zero too, like the ammonia just evaporated. I'm not sure what to do but I added more ammonia again.

(this is a 5 gallon, planted tank that I hope to put some shrimp in)

The most likely cause of this is performing the nitrate test incorrectly. If you don't do it properly it will give you a false negative reading. You basically have to exactly follow the directions

  1. Put 10 drops of bottle 1 into a vial of water filled to the fill line
  2. Shake vial vigorously for 5 seconds
  3. Shake bottle 2 vigorously for 30 seconds
  4. Add 10 drops of bottle 2 to the vial
  5. Shake the vial vigorously for a full minute
  6. Wait 5 minutes before reading

You have to time the shaking properly or else the testing liquid won't be suspended properly.
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