Moved my tank!

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 14, 2005
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Here's how I did it:

I drained all water except for 3 inches - Very carefully, using a juice pitcher. I didn't stir up much at all.

I used 5 collapsed boxes as a "pad" for the tank throughout the entire move - to distrbuite weight evenly (in theory)

Me and 2 strong friends loaded it onto a horisontal dolly I bought from a hardware store.. (60 bucks, half off!) Wheeled it slowly down to my girlfriends mazda 5. Loaded the tank, (still about 175 pounds) Onto the 5 collapsed boxes. Put the stand, and everything. Had the girlfriend hold the pump during the entire ordeal (never lost prime!!!)

I had only 1 bucket set aside of orginal tank water to get the pump primed

Anyway, Drove the 30 minutes through a snow storm to the new place.

Water temperature dropped from 79 to 76 degrees.

Slowly added tap water onto flat plastic panel on bottom of tank to avoid stirring up the gravel. Once I got to half full, I started the pump - Worked instantly because neither of the heads came out of the water. Added bucket of old tank water at this point too. Dechlorinator the entire time, but otherwise just tap water.

Turned heater on at this point too. (I managed to get the tap water to 77*f, which was pretty close tot he original 79 degrees!)

I lost one fish the day after, but I had doubts about him before the move - I guess he didn't handle the stress too well. But 5 days in now - No issues, no more dead fish! Zero Ammonia, Zero Nitrites. 25ppm Nitrates (Not ideal, but Some "dirt" did get mixed up. I bet this will drop with another week or so.

SO in a nut shell - I kept about 3 inches of water in the tank, and moved it with the fish in it! Worked well, and was by far the quickest and easiest move I've had to do. (and move number THREE with this tank)
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