Moving tank

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Sep 16, 2011
I have a little problem that I am trying to fix. I have my ten gallon tank on a walmart special bookshelf. I noticed about a week ago the shelf looked like it was bending. I ordered a metal aquarium stand and assembled it. My question is, is it all right to move the tank with about 25% of the water in it? Or do I need to drain the whole thing? If I drain the whole thing what do I do with my fish? Thanks.
Not sure, you might want to drain it though. You can move the fish into a smaller tank or a clean temporary holding tub or bucket (the Rubbermaid tubs work well, just be sure it doesn't have pesticides or anything in it, some of them might). You might want to put a heater in with the fish while you set things up too. Keep your filter media wet as well.
You can buy a 5 gallon bucket for cheap at Home Depot. Fill up the bucket with some aquarium water and the fish. Have someone help you move the aquarium to the new stand as quickly as possible. If you're going to have to carry it more than several feet I might recommend removing the gravel as well, as to not put too much stress on the joints.
Thanks for the quick response. I will try the five gallon bucket. I don't think I will have to carry the tank just swap the stands out.
All went well. I was trying to leave all my plants in but it was impossible to catch all my fish with them. I finally had my tank looking how I wanted it. Oh well, gives me something to do and I don't have to worry about being woke up by a big crash. Hopefully my fish are not to stressed out. Thanks again for the quick responses.
Woke up this morning and didn't see any dead fishes. I am missing one of my african dwarf frogs. Checked the w hole tank, the bucket I used and on the floor around the aquarium. No sign of him anywhere, very weird.
hope he turns up in good condition i just got done moving my 30 gallon and i didnt do anything but take 75% of the water out and move the tank with everything inside then put the old water back in for a few hours then changed it
hope he turns up in good condition i just got done moving my 30 gallon and i didnt do anything but take 75% of the water out and move the tank with everything inside then put the old water back in for a few hours then changed it

I found him. I also move my rocks around a little bit. I guess when I was rearranging they was a space under the bottom rock that wasn't there before. He was in the new spot. I wish I wouldn't have moved the plants, my swords have such a big root system now. I have spent all day trying to get the tank back to the way it was.
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