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Aquarium Advice Freak
Sep 3, 2012
Stoke on Trent

My mum has a community tank of semi aggressive fish she has 2 parrot chilids 1 red tail shark 3 Molly's (not sure why) 1 BN pleco 1 kirbi and a clown loach

She would like to add 2 angels and a black knife fish this would be her final stoking list tho if there's still room I think the loach needs some friends

All opinions welcome

P.s 40gal long
Sounds a bit over stocked for a 40 gal to me as well....don't black ghost knife get a foot or more long? i think thats what my lfs owner told me.... I could be wrong.

But not going to lie surprised the mollies haven't become a treat for the red tail or red parrots.
Red tail is only about 2 inches long so Molly's are safe for now the parrots are only very small they are juvenile bout 2 inches them selves would juvenile angels be okay and as they grow with the parrots get a larger tank ???
In a tank that heavily stocked I'd say the Red Tail is going to become an issue due to aggression. Clown Loaches grow WAY to big for 40G so that should be rehomed and definitely NOT given more friends. Black Ghost Knifes get huge and are predators to small fish so that would be a mistake, in addition they are vulnerable to high nitrAtes which your tank is at risk off.

In short, rehome the clown loach and no more fish is my advice.
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