My 10G stock list...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Jan 19, 2006
Ok so my 10g is about a week form being ready for fish. here is what im thinking to start out...

neon Blue dwarf gurami
Upside down catfish

Id like to get a couple neon tetras as well if its not to much..

What do you guys think? How many can I get? Is the upside down cat a bad idea?
i think the upside down cat should be fine.youd probbally be able to get away with about 5 neons
i think the upside down cat should be fine.youd probbally be able to get away with about 5 neons

I am reading on the neon blue gourami and it says they will be more active and swim in pairs. I think i want 2 if that is the case. If I could get two of those and a few neons and possibly later on some inverts?? That would be sweet! my only thing is the gourami profile says it likes planted tanks and i only have 2 10W screw in florescent bulbs from lights of america... I donno if i can keep any plants...


EDIT: These are the bulbs I have...
i think ud be able to do that ,inverts dont add much to the bio load anyways..i dont know anything about plants so someone else will have to help u with that
Keep in mind that if you get an upside down cat you need to give him places to hide such as a cave or a piece of driftwood and you'll never see the little guy unless you have a nightlight. Such is my experience.
My daughter has 6 neons, 1 red dwarf guorami, 3 zebra danios and a small pleco in a 10G with fake plants and a couple places for the pleco to hide during the day and they are all happy including the guorami. I dont think it needs a partner. This one has been by itself for about 3 or 4 months now and is doing great.
Cool. Well id like to get a pair anyway. If I am never going to see the USD Cat then I dont want it lol I want active fish.
I think a pair would be ok of the dwarfs. I think the reason I went with one is because every one got me nervous about the dwarf gourami disease.... They seem pretty hardy at my LFS.
lol seems like every species has its own disease...

Also thinking about putting some plants... Can someone help me out with that aspect?
lol seems like every species has its own disease...

Also thinking about putting some plants... Can someone help me out with that aspect?

What kind of light? I'm sort of a newbie too, but I'm doing well with Amazon swords and I have a piece of driftwood with a java fern stuck into a crevise that looks pretty good (that's where my catfish likes to hide, BTW).
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