My 20G Planted Tank

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I think a full balance of both macro and micro nutrients will ensure your plants get all they need. But also using a liquid carbon like Glut will help plants with photosynthesis and growth. It also means the plants will uptake more nutrients. Add up what the amount of plants your losing costs to the cost of $20 in ferts and $27 in liquid carbon. But you also need to have water circulation in your tank. Is there a way to adjust your filter outflow to move water through your tank better?
I have a HOB Marineland and the output is good, but I fill it up pretty well since it's in my bedroom and I can't sleep if there's too much water on water noise. LOL Water movement at the top is good, but below...not so much.
Water flow is definitely a good thing to invest in. When I ran a HOB on my 20 I had to use two small ones and I had a pump in the tank (co2 reactor but it moved water). Do you know your nitrate levels? Don't want to bottom out. Rivercats and I both use dry ferts mixed into two part solutions (PPS-Pro method). It's an excellent and cheap way to go.
When I last checked, nitrates were 5-10ppm. I can check tonight.

What about something like an airstone? I just can't get to sleep when the water level gets too low and the filter splashes into the tank.
You could try an airstone but I don't think it's going to move enough water through the tank. BTW I love that kind of noise to sleep in... go figure!
There's a lot of water that comes out of the filter. I have both vents open - one at the bottom and one at the top. But, my water level is pretty high since I don't want to hear the splashing when I go to bed.
Tank update. Weird things are happening (I think).

I tested the parameters last night because I noticed a few things. Both of my banded kuhli loaches are faded. Their colors are muted. They both are behaving very strangely. One is swimming all over the place in a weird fashion. I saw the other one lying on its side. It's moved, finally. I can't see them now, but they have both lost some of their coloring and appear to have light spots in on their black parts.

One of my yellow fancy guppies has a red speck on it's side. It's about the size of a pinhead and it appears to be sticking out, ever so slightly.

I've noticed this week there is fish poo EVERYWHERE. Like I've never seen it before. I changed out 6 gallons out of 20 last night to try and suck some of it up. Maybe I'm over-feeding?

My readings last night:
Amm: .25ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 40ppm

As usual, my plants are looking great, but the fish issues are obviously concerning.

Any thoughts?
You nitrates are high IMO and need to be brought down to 10-20ppm since the tank is planted. If there is alot of fish waste then they are getting alot of food so you need to cut way back. What is your Ph at? The ammonia could easily be from overfeeding and also the combination of the ammonia and high nitrates could be stressing the loaches. You need to do a couple 50% WC's. Not sure about the red spot, can you get a picture?
Ok, I just did another 50% WC. The kuhlis are not doing well. They are pale, thrashing all over the place when moving and gasping to breathe. I'm at a loss. :nono:

I'm uploading a video now.

You can see the red dot on the yellow guppy in the video, too. I'll post back when it's done.
Get more air with a bubbler if you have one. Sounds like something is dropping the oxygen level. Is anything different in your tank? Or anything your doing different? Filter is clean and running right?
Nope, nothing is different. I added three nerites last weekend. That's about it. I did a PWC that weekend, too (five days ago).

The yellow guppy's bottom scales seem to be ever-so-slightly raised. Almost kinda like a bird when it puffs out its feathers.

Here's the video:
Fish - YouTube

I don't have a bubbler, but I've left the water level a little lower so the filter output will splash back into the tank.
When scales begin to raise like a pinecone that is dropsy. Never dealt with it but know what it is. You need to do some research and post on unhealthy fish. As for the loaches I swear they are acting like they have ich in the gills. It makes it very hard for fish to breathe and they swim erratically, flashing, and rubbing on things. You never see ich when it's in the gills only.
Well, I just did my testing and I think I see what the problem is:

Amm: .50ppm
Nitrate: 30ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm

This is after a 9G WC yesterday and a 9G WC today (two hours ago).

Should I do another one? :nono:
I did another 9 gallon water change. I moved one of the kuhlis to the spare tank. I can't catch the other one. I'm almost certain they will both die.

Going to post a thread in the sick fish area...
Loaches are prone to ich so if you have any good ich meds on hand I'd use them in the QT tank as they will work on the gills faster than heat. Once I saw how it was swimming crazily it was just like a loach that had ich in the gills. It actually sailed out of the tank with me watching and other fish started getting spots within a day or two (can't remember which). The guppy is something totally different.
One banded loach was found dead today. The only has been immobile for over 24 hours. I want to euthanize, but I am afraid. I feel bad. :nono:
Just bite the bullet and do it so it doesn't suffer any longer or get hubby to do it... you wouldn't be the first to do that, I know cause I'm a softie too.
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