my 29gl tank with new HC and driftwood

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Aquarium Advice Activist
Jul 18, 2008
It's for a while since i was busy with my classes...
Here is some news : bought some HC and get the "driftwood" out and put it in the tank. I hope my HC will grow. It's doing ok for 2 weeks but its hard to tell...

Once it fills in it will be really nice. I kill HC in the first week so your has a good chance.
Looks very nice, I like it.

What are the specs on your tank? The fact that the HC is growing that tall means it's starving for light. I will go vertical and be ok, but won't stay tight against the substrate if that's what you're looking for it to do.
The tank is 29GL and i have 65W lighting. I dont think it is good enough to grow HC as it is growing tall and have yellow leave near the substrate. I wish I bought 2X65W Current usa fixture. 65W is not bright enough to take picture too :)
Ok yeah, exactly like you said. The HC will continue to grow upwards trying to get more light, unfortunately, with only 1x65 on it.
Thanks... I have pressure co2 with inline reactor connected with my xp2 filter's intake. I also have some Seachem Flourish, excel, potassium, nitrogen... on this site. (i just use them whenever i remember ... :) so dont count on this)
I also have some Seachem Flourish, excel, potassium, nitrogen... on this site. (i just use them whenever i remember ... :) so dont count on this)

WTG Shrek! Nice aquarium.

How long a photo period do you have? You might try increasing it by an hour or two. That is another way to get more light to the HC. Is it possible to lower your light fixture? That will also increase the amount of light the HC gets.

However, your "when I remember" fert scheme - similar to my own, a while back - could be another reason to explain the HC growing tall. HC is one of the plants that really pearl when growing well. Are you experiencing that? If not, you need to get a better handle on fertilization. And if I might make another suggestion, the ferts you are using are expensive. There are considerably less expensive ways to buy fertilizers.

The three fertilizers I have settled into are:
Seachem's Equilibrium (which has trace amounts of K, Ca, Mg, Mn, SO4 and Fe). Assuming you use it only in your 29 gallon tank, one 600 gm/1.3 lb jar ($10.50) should last you over two years. I also use Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) and Mono Potassium Phosphate (KH2PO4) that I buy by the pound at Planted Aquarium Fertilizer One pound of KH2PO4 ($5) will last you well over 2 years, and a pound of KNO3 ($3) will probably last you at least a year -again, if you use them only in your 29 G.

For a 20 gal tank I use 1/32 tsp of equilibrium, 1/32 tsp KH2PO4, and 1/8 tsp of KNO3, about 3 x a wk. And I do at least one 30 - 40% water change each week. I don't have a PO4 test kit yet, but I keep my N between 5 - 10 ppm... and with the above scheme, my HC pearls every day. In fact, if it stops pearling, I check my N levels and usually find that they have dropped to near zero. Another shot of KNO3 starts them pearling within a few hours.

Just a few thoughts... is all.
sweet.... thank you so much Larry. It would save me lots of money to order all kind of Florish liquid.
My HC does some pearling but not as much as other plants in the tank.
Nice thread and healthy tank! The toilet reservoir to leech tannis idea in your linked thread is pure genius.
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