My 55 planted build!!

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I have to find some of those! They are adorable! Plus, I'm looking for some little "prolific" snails for my dwarf puffer tank. Apparently they love snails. But, I want the nerites for my big tank (so they won't get eaten!).
Oh, good. I'm glad you posted that because I was just searching for them online. Pet Smart and Petco don't carry them. I haven't seen any at my lfs either. I'll check out Ebay. Thanks!
can someone help me understand.. KH and GH.. i know they affect pH stability, but after that I'm lost..
my GH was 3 and KH was 9, now that I have this info what do I do..?
can someone help me understand.. KH and GH.. i know they affect pH stability, but after that I'm lost..
my GH was 3 and KH was 9, now that I have this info what do I do..?

Kh is carbonate hardness measuring the amount of calcium (buffer) in the water. A Kh of 4 is idea IMO for a planted tank and your good at 3. If you drop any lower you could expierence ph swings.

Gh is general hardness which measures magnesium and calcium. Again 4 is an ideal number but 9 isn't overly bad. If you dose dry ferts you don't need to add magnesium to your mix as your tap water obviously has ample magnesium in it.

IMO I'd just monitor your readings every couple of weeks (that's how I do mine) and if they stay at 4 or above your fine.
Kh is carbonate hardness measuring the amount of calcium (buffer) in the water. A Kh of 4 is idea IMO for a planted tank and your good at 3. If you drop any lower you could expierence ph swings.

Gh is general hardness which measures magnesium and calcium. Again 4 is an ideal number but 9 isn't overly bad. If you dose dry ferts you don't need to add magnesium to your mix as your tap water obviously has ample magnesium in it.

IMO I'd just monitor your readings every couple of weeks (that's how I do mine) and if they stay at 4 or above your fine.

My GH is 3 do i need magnesium?
I currently am on PPS-Pro dry ferts.. usually 3 bottles(separated phosphates)
thanks for advice!
If your Gh drops any lower I'd use the MgSO4 magnesium. But at 3 I'd leave it alone especially if your plants are doing good. With a Kh of 9 you definitely have enough buffers/calcium.
If your Gh drops any lower I'd use the MgSO4 magnesium. But at 3 I'd leave it alone especially if your plants are doing good. With a Kh of 9 you definitely have enough buffers/calcium.

thanks so much! really appreciate all your advice
need help with my tank :-( it's still looks like tea which is from driftwood, but still cloudy! could my filters be to blame? I still have alge on tank walls and some plants. i put light on timer for 6hrs. haven't seen any improvement
my readings are great 0 ammonia & nitrite. nitrates 20.
any advice :-\
I installed the SunSun canister yesterday!! so quiet (which the hubby will love! he hated the noise of the hob) anyways!
I am still trying to get my PPS-Pro down! I barely can dose any phosphates (which I have in separate bottle) to keep it around. 5-1.0ppm.. and recently my nitrates went from 20ppm to barely 10! so i guess i haven't figured it out yet :p
I LOVE my Nerite snails!!!
i hope in the next couple months, I will add more fish. i wanted to figure out my algae and PPS-Pro first!
I installed the SunSun canister yesterday!! so quiet (which the hubby will love! he hated the noise of the hob) anyways!
I am still trying to get my PPS-Pro down! I barely can dose any phosphates (which I have in separate bottle) to keep it around. 5-1.0ppm.. and recently my nitrates went from 20ppm to barely 10! so i guess i haven't figured it out yet :p
I LOVE my Nerite snails!!!
i hope in the next couple months, I will add more fish. i wanted to figure out my algae and PPS-Pro first!

It takes awhile to zero in on your ferts. That is why I always suggest separating your nitrates from your phosphate/potassium mix. Then you can adjust as needed which your doing.

I love canisters since I began using them in the 80's. I only use HOB's if it's an absolute necessity!


the filter is great so far! it's helped the cloudiness..
my tank still has a yellow tint to it..does algae do that or is it tannins from the DW?
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