My 80 Gallon Cichlid Tank

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Nov 11, 2004
Vancouver B.C.
In my 80 gal there are the following residents. :D

Pictured: Green Severum, Big Orange Parrot, Salvini, Red Jewel and 2 clown loaches.
Hiding: Convict, Common Pleco and an Electric Yellow African. (I know he shouldn't be in there, but my ph is 7.5 and everybody is happy.)

I have a Magnum 350 Filter set up with a Ebo Jagger heater.

I love this tank and I stare at it for at LEAST an hour every day if not 2.

Oh you have no idea. My fish are fearless! As soon as you walk into the room they all come right up to the glass and follow you around. Walk to the end of the tank and stare in through the side and there they are, right in your face.

I can feed the Parrot, Elec yellow, Salvini and Severum pellets from my hand and they take them right from me!

I think if they could, they would eat until they explode.
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