my bettas fins are tearing can any one help!!!!

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I think bettafix is the same as melafix but less concentrated
Ok, well it is all natural, but you will need to add an air stone or lower the water level because there is less oxygen in the water when using it. If you just want to do the clean water, that should be enough.
I agree that an established filter is by far the best thing to use to speed up a cycle. I haven't had much luck with decor and gravel helping for some reason. One time in an emergency I filled a 5 gal with water from my primary tank and added a betta right away. I wasn't able to move anything else over to the new tank..just the water. I tested the water daily and it never went through a cycle...for a couple days there was .25 or less of ammonia but that's it...never any nitrite. I was impressed..didn't think it would work quite that well.. but it did. As for the bettafix I started to worry a bit about it because on another forum people were saying not to use it..but..I've used it according to the bottle directions a few times for shredded fins and the betta has healed quickly and never shown any side affects or discomfort..the main ingredient is melaleuca which is a variety of tea tree which I have read is very beneficial in healing wounds and tears on bettas. I'm really not sure if it's the best thing to use or not but I've had great success with it :)
I currently am using a filter from my established tank and switched the new filter to that one everything seems well in my tank though
As for bettafix ill probably low dose it and put a few drops
caj52 said:
I use salt whenever I do a water change should I use it less???? And if I upgrade to maybe a 2.5 would that be better or what should I do I just want his fins to stop dissapating because there so beautiful!!

Don't use salt at all. If you have hard water it may fray the fins. A little r/o added to your water will soften it. Drinking water from walmart is r/o. Or run your water thru peat, add dechlor and that may help. San antonio water about destroyed most of my bettas fins and caused failed spawns. Using part r/o and tap run thru peat and I have huge spawns and beautiful fins.
caj52 said:
I actually went out and bought a five gallon I could have cycled the tank but I was kind of in a rush so I just had to set everything up and put him in I just hope it wont affect him negatively here's a pic of the new set up I love all my fish it sounds lame but I just want them to be happy and with the new tank he loves it!

Bettas don't need cycled tanks like other fish.. they are air breathers. My bettas in beanies get 90% water change every other day. The barracks get 80% water change every third day. Fish are fine and love the fresh water. Water is not aged but treated and used. Keep temp and ph consistant and they will be ok.
Bettas don't need cycled tanks like other fish.. they are air breathers. My bettas in beanies get 90% water change every other day. The barracks get 80% water change every third day. Fish are fine and love the fresh water. Water is not aged but treated and used. Keep temp and ph consistant and they will be ok.

Well we'll just have to agree to disagree on that one. Ammonia burns any fish. And a betta with already torn fins in ammonia laden water..well that's just bad news.
The Betta is a beauty...I think its fine. I would say some stress. And I'd cut the salt. But you should have cycled the doesn't look sick and doesn't sound sick. Other than the tears he acts like regular? If yes then I wouldn't worry... Look forward to future blogs.

Welcome to as.
Thank you for welcoming me and he is fine very curious about everything so I just have to give it some time but im so impatient haha
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