my BGK died =(

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days like these, i want to give up. no reason. just up and died. all i did was add driftwood to the tank. i rinsed it and rinsed it. i boiled it and boiled it.

params are normal as ever. all the other fish are loving the driftwood.

but my BGK, who was fast becoming my favorite fish, died. very fast. within hours.

some days i just want to quit.
Mysterious deaths are hard. But we can't quit. It's part of the hobby. All we can do is the best we can do. As for the driftwood, I doubt it was the driftwood. It must have been something else, as if it was the driftwood, it would also be affecting the other fish as well. And if they are all happy and looking good, it definitely was not the driftwood. Also, as it releases tannins, it slowly brings the ph down over a period of weeks, so it can't be that either. Sorry to hear about the loss. I've been having a few myself, and have not found why either. Down to 2 serpae's, and now the GBR's are going one at a time, the ones that have been surfacing. and medicating the tank did nothing as well, so either the meds weren't strong enough, or I was treating for the wrong thing.
it is just so frustrating to lose fish to diseases i can't even see to treat. and if i can see them and treat them, it is almost always either too late or the treatment itself kills the fish.

not to mention it is always a fish i really like or have grown especially attached to or one that cost me a lot of money.
In spite of our best efforts these little fishy lives are fragile. Sometimes mystery deaths are caused from food poisoning. A healthy fish will ingest something foul and "wham". It's over. I've seen cases where food will lodge in a fishes intestinal tract and cause death in less than a day.

Just things to be aware of. Certainly not a reason to quit.
i know you havent had the BGK for long right? take it back, and keep him in a qt tank until he gets bigger/less fragile for a community tank.

when my BGK had extensive fin tear, i kept him in a 20g long qt tank. but afterwards i still kept him in the qt, just with some snails and ghost shrimp as tank mates, feeding him frozen bloodworms daily or twice daily until he got slightly bigger.

he's become somewhat of a bully to the upsidedown catfish (can we get an acronym for those (USD cats?) and kuhli loaches now, but they get in his way.

you you feel confident enough to raise another, in a clean, secluded enviroment, do it
Thats a true shame man, I feel so sorry about your loss. Mysterious death of a fish is always the most unexpected tragedy that can happy in the hobby and sometimes the most heart-breaking :cry:
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