My Blue Ram's Eye...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jan 18, 2009
Edmonton, AB
My blue ram has an eye issue. His color is still beautiful and yet his left eye is swollen and extended about 3mm from his side. It looks like it is blood shot and there is red in his other eye so I am not sure if it is any different from normal. I lost my Marble Angel to an ulcer that I didn't notice in time so I don't want to lose another. Thanks for any help.
Pop eye is usually caused by less than perfect water parameters. I would do a water change for starters. Then please water parameters as well as water change schedule and amount of water changes.
All my water levels are ok, I even took my water into my supply store, they have advised to dose with canaplex (sp?) just in case. Does that mesh with your thoughts?
Any ammonia or nitrite is not ok and nitrates over 40 ppm are not good. Did you test with a test strip or a liquid test? Test strips are notoriously inaccurate.

I have no experience with canaplex so I can't comment on that medication.
They used strips, but when I started my tank they advised not getting my own test system and to just bring it in anytime I had issues. What is a good test system to purchase as clearly I am not in control enough of my tank. *sigh* Any and all help is much appreciated, I have had 7 different fish die since September, and everything was explained as stress or weak fish. I am starting to realize that I need to understand more before I add any new fish to my tank. Thanks in advance!
API Master liquid test kits are decent for the price.

When they arrive, be sure to do a thourgh test of all the tests in the kit and post your results. I wouldn't add any more fish at this time until the water can be reviewed.

On a side note, your are best off taking recommendations and directions from employees at the fish store with a grain of salt. In having many discussions with the local ones, it has become clear that many employees don't have any idea what they are talking about. Just to be fair, some are extremely knowledgable, but unless I already verify their answers here... I still take them with a grain of salt.
I tested with an API kit for Nitrites and Ammonia the results are both 0ppm. I couldn't afford to buy all the kits, and my fish store didn't have a kit with all the tests. I do 25% water changes weekly, and I feed a combination of pellet food and blood worms. That's what I know, any more advice?

Oh yeah, they advised canaplex to treat, but they are out and no one else carries it in Edmonton, so as yet I have not treated with anything.
The only thing I can find on canaplex is written in French......If you insist on a medication use Maracyn (erethromycin)....Only as a last resort.........Most cases of popeye is caused by a bacterial infection behind the eyes......Maracyn does not affect the bio system as bad as other antibiotics.
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