My bubble tipped anemone has turned weird.

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 5, 2012
Or the passed maybe 3 months my anemone has turned from great to sick looking. I believe it could be my light. I have a 70 liter tank and it has a stock sorta' light attached to it.


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Jake337 said:
What kinda light is it?

It's not that good of a light. I have no idea what it is. All my other corals come out with it, so as what I've read with the lighting anemones need a lot more than what I have got.
But it's nice to know a second opinion haha!
Byelion said:
It's not that good of a light. I have no idea what it is. All my other corals come out with it, so as what I've read with the lighting anemones need a lot more than what I have got.
But it's nice to know a second opinion haha!

Haha yeah. I made a thread about anemones. I hav 2 bulb t5 lights on a 55gal. I bought a Condy anemone and it's healthy and fine so far. Was wondering if I could get a bubble anemone.
The first month or two it was out and amazing, then it just hid and I couldn't feed it. Then it came out, fed it and it came out again. Then it turned to hell.
But nice. I will be upgrading tanks sometime in the near future :)
Russ_gibbo1985 said:
How long have you been running the tank? Have you checked your parameters?

Almost a year!
And yeah, they're at what I want and worked hard to get them to what I wanted.
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