my cichlid tank!!!!

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OP Prolly dislikes me after a post last night in one of their other posts... Oh well, it is what it is.... Given a plate of food u can eat it or leave it...
OP Prolly dislikes me after a post last night in one of their other posts... Oh well, it is what it is.... Given a plate of food u can eat it or leave it...
i read that one and i personally thought it was funny. im new to keeping fish but even I know you guys care and to listen. liked the last post though :lol:
its hard to over come such things specially when u like somethin n u want to get it and b4 you get it you find out its the wrong choice but still want to doit
now i have a question should i leave the plants with the cichlids or take them to the other tank, the cichlids seem to ignore the plants and everything i put in there maybe its due that theres only one adult and 4 1 inch cichlids in a 75 gallon
abrahamavelar said:
now i have a question should i leave the plants with the cichlids or take them to the other tank, the cichlids seem to ignore the plants and everything i put in there maybe its due that theres only one adult and 4 1 inch cichlids in a 75 gallon

When mine got large they would knock any deco over and tear up all my plants the sole survivor was a large piece of driftwood and they still moved it a little digging holes under it and stuff
i get mad that mine they get the sand and when they do im scared that the rocks might moved and kill them or crack the tank, anythin i can do to secure the rock
bcuz they only move (well the big one) them from one place and its his cave, and even when i had the other ones he was the only one that rearranged things in the tank
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