My CoryCats had sum babies!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jul 31, 2006
So for the past few months I would sometimes see little clear/white dots on the back wall of my tank but than they would be gone with in a day or so.

I didn't think much of it, figured they were baby snails or something untill two weeks ago I randomly saw a baby corycat swimming along.

I have 3 peppered cory's (2 female 1 male i think) and now one baby.

Now two days ago I notice my big female swimming oddly and I actually got to watch her lay some of her eggs (again) Which was really cool/odd. She layed a bunch on the under side of some leaves than on the back wall again. Since i knew what they were I decided to take a few of them and put in this little isolation tank I have that clips onto the side of the tank (kind of like what they use at the fish store to put your netted fish in). Today I noticed one of the 5 eggs i put in there was missing, I looked closer and theres a very tiny tiny little fish in there- so I assume there will be 4 more soon.

My question is: What do I feed them in the isolated tank/nursery?
and also the nursery tank doesn't set in the actual tank low enough to let in filtered water. Will this be a problem?
Should I get a small filtered tank to raise them in, because I think the main reason why I only had one baby cory from the last batch was because all the other got eaten.

Will the parent cories eat their offspring?

I am not wanting to mass breed corys or anything but i have a few friends with tanks that I could give a cory or two to.

thanks for any advice
Congrats, a small tank would be better to raise them in. They need small foods, you should be able to buy liquid fry food. Do frequent water changes in the grow out tank. I don't know if corys eat their own young or not but other tank mates probably will.
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