My cycling process

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Just mean you are well along with your cycling. You are doing fine. Eco or someone that is an expert in cycling will be along soon. Your readings look good. They are measures of bacteria conversion. Your nitrates moving up indicate you're well on your way to finishing your cycle.
JimmyA said:
Just mean you are well along with your cycling. You are doing fine. Eco or someone that is an expert in cycling will be along soon. Your readings look good.

Oh right lol :)
You're doing fine :)

Just remember that the "accepted average" time for fishless cycling a tank is around 2 months...with fish-in cycles potentially taking longer (including lots of water changes). With some of the little tricks to fishless cycling (air bubbles, a couple pwc's, raised temp, etc...), it makes it closer to a month or month and a half. So you're still well within the time frame and there's nothing to worry about :). All that is required from here on out is patience :). If you had fish in there you'd need both patience and a lot of bucket carrying.
eco23 said:
You're doing fine :)

Just remember that the "accepted average" time for fishless cycling a tank is around 2 months...with fish-in cycles potentially taking longer (including lots of water changes). With some of the little tricks to fishless cycling (air bubbles, a couple pwc's, raised temp, etc...), it makes it closer to a month or month and a half. So you're still well within the time frame and there's nothing to worry about :). All that is required from here on out is patience :). If you had fish in there you'd need both patience and a lot of bucket carrying.

Cool sounds good to me, I'm at 1month and about 10days so hopefully it won't be too much longer. I just don't understand what is happening lol if these are good results or not, I'm driving in the dark basically lol. And I would of never went for the fish in route lol.
Your numbers are excellent. You're converting the ammonia to 0 ever 24 hours, and high nitrites are good too (although I know you probably can't wait to see a blue tube lol). Hang in there!
librarygirl said:
Your numbers are excellent. You're converting the ammonia to 0 ever 24 hours, and high nitrites are good too (although I know you probably can't wait to see a blue tube lol). Hang in there!

Cool, thanks :) and yeah ur right I think the nitrites are just testing my patience lol.
Day 44
Ph 7.6
Ammo 0ppm
Nitrite 5.0+ppm
Nitrate 40-80ppm
Starting to think it ain't ever gonna change lol
reading your posts and following along the cycling process with you is better than watching a movie:lol:. The suspense is killing me! I can't wait to see everything work out!
Chris it will happen. Your numbers are excellent. Good to hear you are doing fine.
Reygan2 said:
reading your posts and following along the cycling process with you is better than watching a movie:lol:. The suspense is killing me! I can't wait to see everything work out!

Hahaha, the suspense is killing me 2 lol can't wait for all this to be done, I'm trying to keep busy round the house to keep my mind of it but the tank takes up quite alot of the living room so it's proving difficult lol.
JimmyA said:
Chris it will happen. Your numbers are excellent. Good to hear you are doing fine.

Yeah I'm hoping it will but my nitrite has been like this for a while now and not seeing any change, I suppose the nitrate going up is a good sign tho, I hope. :) I'll jus keep at it anyway, starting to get a plan together of how I want it to look with plants and everything now.
Right, I'd take this time to do planning for the tank - plant and fish. You've come a long way up to this point, might as well ride it out!
NitrAte going up shows all the conversion happening which is a good thing. Now we're just waiting for the bacteria to reach the tipping point where it converts everything in 24 hours.

You won't believe me...but even though you'll greatly enjoy your fish and cycled tank...theres certain aspects of fishless cycling that you'll miss, lol. I've actually done a couple for fun (and to make sure I actually know what I'm talking about with all the advice I blabber about, haha).
JimmyA said:
Right, I'd take this time to do planning for the tank - plant and fish. You've come a long way up to this point, might as well ride it out!

Yeah not gonna give up now, hopefully this is the final stages. :)
eco23 said:
NitrAte going up shows all the conversion happening which is a good thing. Now we're just waiting for the bacteria to reach the tipping point where it converts everything in 24 hours.

You won't believe me...but even though you'll greatly enjoy your fish and cycled tank...theres certain aspects of fishless cycling that you'll miss, lol. I've actually done a couple for fun (and to make sure I actually know what I'm talking about with all the advice I blabber about, haha).

I think the only thing I'll miss about the cycling is the testing lol but I can always do that when it's cycled 2, and I can never see me doing a cycle for fun lol I'd end up at a loony place. Lol
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