Aquarium Advice Freak
Im having a problem.
My digi thermometer (not cheap about 50$) is reading my tank at about 85* (mainly because I have gourmais fry) yet I also have a glass thermometer which is only reading 80* I find it hard to believe that one of them can be 5 degrees out. Is there something going on that Im not aware off? The digi temp sensor is attached to a suction cup halfway down on the back glass. While the glass one is free floating. Any advice suggestions would be greatly apprciated.
My digi thermometer (not cheap about 50$) is reading my tank at about 85* (mainly because I have gourmais fry) yet I also have a glass thermometer which is only reading 80* I find it hard to believe that one of them can be 5 degrees out. Is there something going on that Im not aware off? The digi temp sensor is attached to a suction cup halfway down on the back glass. While the glass one is free floating. Any advice suggestions would be greatly apprciated.