My dream 55g tank ~ YOU fill in the blanks!!

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Aquarium Advice Regular
Jan 2, 2005
Starkville MS
I'm considering doing an Xtreme Makeover on my tank. My wife has volunteered to take my fish and put them in her new 80g tank. I'm on somewhat of a limited budget, but if it's worth the cost, I'm willing to save for a while for it. Im not looking to blow money, so I wanna shop smart of course. Some of the stuff I already have figured out as to what I want. But, I could really use some input from y'all, so please - fill in the blanks!! :D

Tank - 55g - the old 4ft. walmart special. Yeah, not a great tank, but: (1) it's a good, managable size (2) I already have a stand for it (3) it's all I got.

Lighting - __________ I already have a 2x55w BrightKit from AH supply, but the reflectors are kinda banged up and bent in some areas so I would probably buy another BrightKit and and build a custom hood for it. Is there another setup you guys would recommend instead?

Substrate - Sand layer on bottom (about 1" at thickest area), single layer of pea gravel, single layer of flat stones on top - all substrate will be landscaped to taper off as it nears the tank walls.

Fish - 2 JD's and a ___________. I need a bottom feeder. Was considering maybe a Corey or another Pleco. The only reason I had a pleco was so my Oscar couldn't eat him, but I know they arent the best cleaners, and they poop a ton. What do you guys recommend for a good combo of algae eating and bottom cleaning? BTW, I also have a good population of Malaysian Trumpet snails.

Decor - 2 medium size (~12") pieces of mounted driftwood

Plants - ___________. I'm looking to provide about 2wpg, so nothing that requires tons of light. Looking for relatively easy stuff to keep alive/healthy. Also, whats a decent grass or plant that I could use as a "carpet?"

Filtration - __________. 'Nuff said, Im sure you guys will go nuts here :p I've always had HOB's but Im open to suggestions on canisters.

U.V. - __________ I could really use some input here, what do you guys think about having UV? Good idea or just a gimmick?

CO2 - __________ I could really use some input here as well, I dunno jack about CO2 systems.

Any input is sincerely appreciated!

~ thx all
if you constantly have to deal with algae and green water.
I think get two types of bottom feeder: cories for th ebottom and ottos for the algae. BOth types you can get small so having two t ypes won't make too muuch of a differnce.
PLants: Anubias, cryptocrynes, java ferns, some valisneria. Riccia for the lawn?
Yes get CO2. Co2 can be pricey so u may want to consdier multiple DIY CO2
With the JD (I assume that they are Jack Dempseys) I wouldn't get the smaller Otos. They would be a snack for the JD. Maybe look into getting some Bristlenose catfish.
cgcaver said:
So UV is good to have no matter what?

The only downside is the occasional maintenance and replacing the bulbs about every 9 months. Mine is attached to the outflow of my canister filter, so the water that enters it is really clean to begin with, which cuts down on buildup. The upsides are crystal clear water and disease free fish.
Well, you do have some real choices to make. You could check out Pitt's sig, it is a very nice tank but lacks some important facts and data:

1. Filter - Fluval 404 Canister - best if ordered on line
2. Low maintenance plants - Java fern, anubias, Marimo balls and bolbitis.

I can only suggest that whatever fish you decide on, do lots of research on them.

If you go for plants that need to be in gravel make sure the fish aren't diggers our you are wasting you time. Otherwise get plants that attach to drfit wood and the driftwood is big enough that they don't move it around too much. That can't be stressed enough.
I have 2 AquaClear 70's on my 55g. Ease of cleaning (especially with all of my plan debris) and cost were my determining factors (got them for under $25 at

Pool Sand (cheap, doesn't float, and looks nice)

I have 2x65 watt Current-USA Satellite CF that I'm really happy with (although I did swap out the dual 10k/actinic bulbs)

I wish I would've put a layer of flourite under my sand to hold nutrients for my plants.

As per ground cover ... I've added 3 clumps of jungle val 6 months ago and now I've got "grass" covering roughly 1/3 of my tank now. Unfortunately, its not growing real tall (yet), but most of it is 2-3 inches tall.
I wish I knew ... I bought 3 bunches of it and it was all like 10-12 inches tall. It subsequently died (I thought cuz I didn't have enough light ... so I bought the 130watt satellite) ... then at some point it started growing again ... but not just growing ... it started sending out runners like crazy ... but almost all of it is like 3 inches tall ... I have one bunch that is growing tall and the rest is short and green.

I don't get it ... I really wanted some nice tall grass growing, but it just hasn't done it. I've supplementing my tank with the full compliment of Flourish products, but it still isn't growing tall ... so ... I'm probably missing something ... just don't know what.
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