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Aquarium Advice Regular
Nov 22, 2006
Well it seems like everything in my tank is going well and it's getting kinda boring. But I was thinking why not try to make a biotope. So i gathered some and i have what appears to be a log in it. I don't know if I want a whole new setup of fish. Not sure yet, im still contemplating. :roll:

The fish that I have are

2-German Blue Rams
1-Cory ( last survivor )
10000000-Blue Mystery Snails

So im going to make a a amazon biotope and see how it goes. What do you guys/girls think about this? Is there anything that you guys would suggest doing?

Thanks in Advance

i'd love to see that amazon biotope^^ anyhow, what kind of decorations did u put in ur tank before ??? and how big's ur tank ???

are those glowlights tetras or rasboras ??? i thought that corries need to be in a group of at least 6, that's what i heard of. . ..
Thanks for the comments. Well I want it to look like I took a patch of river and just put it into my tank. Well The decorations im looking at are rocks, driftwood, dead leaves and some aquatic plants such as wisteria and amazon swords.

My tank is a 29 gallon with a 40 gallon whisper filter (I want a canister). My ph is 6.7 and thats really all I check. I need a new kit.

Yes I understand about the cories. All of mine started to die off. I need to replace them, I had 4 to start off with.

But im going to start posting pictures soon.

Im having some problems though. My german blue rams don't seem to be getting along very well the bigger one is chasing the littlest one around. I know i have one male for sure but, I don't know what the other one is. It doesn't have extended rays and it doesn't have a pink spot on its belly.But, once the chasing is done they seem to be fine and stick around each other. Weird. So does anyone know what the problem could be?
umhh . . .r u sure bout that "dead leaves" ??? wont it make an ammonia explosion soon ??? a dead leaf is bad enough FYI. . .i love ur idea bout the swords though, plus some fern on a log would look great in it^^. . . if u have a river, then its okay bout the dead leaves, since the water will be changed every second it flows. ...but i dont think u'll change the water every minute, right ???

ur corries might be chased off by ur GBRs, i think. . .angels r aggressive enough, but GBRs ??? my albino aeneus corries were doing great munching upon the substrate, but had started to die because i missput them [it was at my early times of keeping fish - i put them with 4 bichirs. . ..]

u have to get an ammonia, nitrite, n nitrate test kits. . ..

GBRs r like the other chiclids, they're very territorrial, and also dictative. . . so the bigger will chase after the smaller ones .. .IME
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