My first (big) african tank!!!!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jun 25, 2012
Hi! I just got a 55 gallon aquarium (cycled it and didn't put anything in it for 2 weeks) and i put 2 jacobfreibergi peacock cichlids, and from what i could tell 1 male 1 female. And 2 yellowtail acei, not sure of the sexes. Bottomfeeders include an African featherfin catfish and a striped Raphael catfish. Are there any other suggestions to the stock list???


Here is my tank, i can adjust it/add to it.
At my LFS i saw another type of peacock called an "undu point" i currently have what i think is "eureka" and i was really interested in the undu points, it is about 4" and my fish are only 2". Should i get it or wait until my current fish get bigger???
At my LFS i saw another type of peacock called an "undu point" i currently have what i think is "eureka" and i was really interested in the undu points, it is about 4" and my fish are only 2". Should i get it or wait until my current fish get bigger???

I would wait it out, or get some more fish, the less fish you have the more likely it is your gonna have some bullying, strength in numbers IMO

I would get a sunshine or a ruby red for some more color or a yellow or orange blaze maybe, but those acei are gonna get pretty big as well so plan ahead on the fish you get.
I like the look of the yellow blaze, and should i take out/get rid of the acei???
I'd avoid any more peacocks as they really do thrive in a bigger tank. If go more toward mbuna malawis. The males and females show good color. I'd also avoid bottom feeders IMO. The two u have get big and I done personally see a need for them in my tanks as the cichlids don't allow any food to sink. My experience. A group of rustys or yellow labs is always nice !
I'd avoid any more peacocks as they really do thrive in a bigger tank. If go more toward mbuna malawis. The males and females show good color. I'd also avoid bottom feeders IMO. The two u have get big and I done personally see a need for them in my tanks as the cichlids don't allow any food to sink. My experience. A group of rustys or yellow labs is always nice !

x2 on this, my mbuna and peacocks don't let a single pellet hit bottom and what does make it my crayfish takes care of and he's very good at his job, I haven't had to suck up any debris in a while now, and my bristlenose pleco does a good job at keeping my scape clean. I think if your gonna go peacocks in a 55g go for 2 max, either stick to yours or get alternative 2 and make sure they're pretty fish like I mentioned earlier.
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