My First Tank (10G) Journal

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I saw some little sharks at Petsmart today. I'm not sure if I can put a pair or two in my 10G, but their tanks seem like 20G at most, and they have 20+ sharks in each.

I will hold off on plants until the cycle is complete and fishes are added. I'm just doing some research now. And I'm not sure what type of plant it is on the driftwood.

You got to understand that they have high-powered filters behind those tanks so they can over-stock their tanks a lot.

If your looking for fish I a good basic rule to go by is 1in per gallon. If one of those sharks is going to get big I wouldn't suggest getting them. You can put a 10in shark in a 10G tank but he wont be able to swim or be happy.
How about cichlids? Most of them looked very nice... Are they aggressive/can they be housed in the same tank as neon tetras?
Those need a 55g tank minimum if your talking about african cichlids and they would also eat any neon tetra they see, although it wouldn't be good for them since they can't have too much protein.
How about cichlids? Most of them looked very nice... Are they aggressive/can they be housed in the same tank as neon tetras?

Not many cichilds can be housed in 10G tanks, they are way to small and cichlids get too large and need swimming room. They are very aggresive even to their own kind so they would eat those tetras up.

I suggest getting 5 or so neon tetras and maybe a few cories and see how it goes.
Not many cichilds can be housed in 10G tanks, they are way to small and cichlids get too large and need swimming room. They are very aggresive even to their own kind so they would eat those tetras up.

I suggest getting 5 or so neon tetras and maybe a few cories and see how it goes.

+1 with the cories being dwarf cories and probably about 5 or 6. Make sure you do your research and maybe check out some LFS instead of Petsmart.
+1 with the cories being dwarf cories and probably about 5 or 6. Make sure you do your research and maybe check out some LFS instead of Petsmart.

Thanks, I would of suggested dwarf cories but since they are hard to get your hands on without ordering them, and him being a beginner an all maybe just 2-3 peppered cories.
and I'm just trying to help him get a good first experience :razz: lol.

Having 5-6 more sensitive dwarf cories will be more trouble getting and keeping alive then 2-3 peppered cories. I've had the same trio of p cories for 3 years now they are perfect for him lol.

Just try to stick with common, hardy, fish for now. Ones you can pick up for a few bucks and can try out. Everyone will make mistakes sooner or later and thats how you learn.
Here AGP check out this link. In the center they have a list and details about good fish for beginners. After you have some choices picked out do some research on them see how large they get ect.

Good Freshwater Fish for Beginners - Rate My Fish Tank

Judging just by looks from Google image results, I like Gouramis, Cichlids, and Loaches. I'm not a big fan of small fish, I like heavyweights that float around the tank all day instead of lightweights that do laps constantly.
Judging just by looks from Google image results, I like Gouramis, Cichlids, and Loaches. I'm not a big fan of small fish, I like heavyweights that float around the tank all day instead of lightweights that do laps constantly.

Well since you only have a 10 Gallon Tank, I would suggest getting a pair of dwarf gouramis, they are nice for smaller tanks and I use to have one in my 5G so two in a 10G should be fine.

Gouramis enjoy swimming around through stuff though so I suggest trying to get a little more decor or they will get bored and sad.

And I am still sticking with my suggest of a trio of peppered cories. Loaches get too large for 10 Gallon aquariums, well at least the common ones they have in petstores.
Peppered cories look nice, and the neolamprologus genus as well. How many neolamprologus should I have? Just a pair?

And wow this is an expensive hobby... I've already spent almost $120 and I haven't gotten any light, plants, or fish yet... And I've spent at least $20 bucks worth of gas money driving around to stores, that pure ammonia was hard to find!
Peppered cories look nice, and the neolamprologus genus as well. How many neolamprologus should I have? Just a pair?

And wow this is an expensive hobby... I've already spent almost $120 and I haven't gotten any light, plants, or fish yet...

Thats why im suggestion the fish I am, they are inexpensive compared to a lot of fish, easy to take care of, and are perfect for beginners.

Once you have had one tank for awhile and its established enough then you can move on to more tanks with specifics like cichlids, ect.
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