My fish are sick!!!

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 11, 2011
the day before yesterday I added a red velvet swordtail, and a redline shark to my tank. the next day i noticed my tinfoil barbs had a clowdy film on their eyes, and their bodies had white spots on them, my platy's and mollys were covered in white film. i determined it was a fungus on the eyes probably brought in by the new fish, then maybe the fish got ich from the stress caused by the fungus. i had some pima fix so i added the first dose to my tank yesterday. i woke up this morning and my orange cremecicle molly and my black sailfin molly had died. i went to petco and got some melafix, came home and added the pimafix and melafix. My Platy's look better, the film is almost gone. my Tinfoil barbs have lost the film on their eyes, but their bodies still look pretty bad. i had to turn off my UV sterilizer for the medicine, but im worried that my other fish will get sick if its not on. i have a separate tank but its full of 60 molly fry, the last living legacy from our dead mollies. Is there anything else i can do?

well one of my barbs died, he was my favorite. and the swordtail died. thanks for the link, it helps to know what im dealing with. here is a pic of my barb and one of my platy, my clowns dont show symptoms but ive got medications (melafix and pimafix) and im raising the temp so maybe they wont get it. i wish i could just leave my sterilizer on. eddy.jpg

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