my new 10 gallon

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 4, 2004
Roscoe, IL
as almost none of you know i am danny and im kinda new to this forum
im gonna cycle my new tank as soon as i get my new filter and heater (i cant drive yet so bear with me) oh and i need a new hood. i bought the tank from my teacher for 20$ its in pretty good condition but theres that sealant glue in the corners (prolly sealed it up a bit) i was wondering which filter i should get
and is a 5 and a 10 gallon big enough to breed dwarf gouramis??
should i get rid of my pleco and get like a catfish or sumtin cuz i prolly wont b able 2 get rid of it once it gets 2 big (or does it grow according to the tank)
all the stuff im buying will come out to about 60$
master test kit 14.99
penguin 330 24.99
and my new hood 9.99
50.00 i guessed about right ill make that soon im catsitting my neighbors animals and i get 10.00 a day for 12 days :)
I think that the 330 might be a little overkill for your 10 gal. You could settle for a penguin 125 or even a mini and be just fine. Is there any reason that you decided on the 330?

$10 a day to watch some cats?! Man, if only I could find jobs like that when I was younger!
lol their really generous though and i get 30$ a week in the summer for lawnmowing lol
i decided on the 330 cuz like its suppose the be the "best"
A 330 is way too much for a 10g tank! The 330 is how many gallons per hour the filter goes through. For tropical fish, you generally want to stay between a 6 - 10x turnover rate for healthy fish. A 33X turnover rate is much too high for almost any tropical fish to be healthy in.

More filtration is usually a good thing, but there is no way you are going to keep fish healthy in a small tank with that much flow rate. Just because it is a few dollars more does not make it "better". For big tanks, it is a much better deal, but for a small tank you are just going to cause problems.
i kno ive decided on the25 alredy i think ill b able to get it tomorrow or sunday
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