My new 125 gallon planted tank

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 9, 2014
Here it goes

I got a 125 gallon tank with 2-3" of Eco complete base. Tank is 72*18*22.

My 48" lighting consists of
2 54 watt red wave t5
2 54 watt 12000k super day light t5
2 54 watt tropical wave t5
7 hours a day
1 cap if flourish when light come on everyday.
1 cap or excel once a week. ImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392409062.605586.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392409085.159664.jpgImageUploadedByAquarium Advice1392409110.241248.jpg

My crypts are turning translucent. Not sure why. No root tabs used either. CO2 kit ordered and should be here in a week. Filters are penguin 400 bio wheel. I have 2.
Any suggestions to what I should be doing different?
I'm no expert but I use Excel and note that it breaks down naturally in about 24 hours. Therefore, if you are using excel as your only carbon source then it should be dosed daily and preferably in the morning. I dose daily and use pressurised Co2 to achieve approx 15 ppm by late afternoon. Co2 is turned off 2 hours before lights out.
I don't use any fertiliser at all and have 2 T8 tubes on for 13 hours a day. I have no algae problems. I rely on the fish waste to feed the plants - probably all wrong but this is the growth and colour that I have.
Hope that's of some interest and maybe of some help. S.
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Your HOB's will off gas the co2. Too much water disturbance. Invest in canister filters.
+1 on above canister filters are great I would probably grab two in your case but this will allow you to run a inline diffuser or reactor( better IMHO) this way co2 diffusion is more efficient .
I have a 90 and I'm running a fluval g6 with external diffuser and a fluval 406. I thought the fx5 or 6 would be overkill
I run a marineland c-220 and magnum350 with a co2 reactor on my 55 how do you like the. G6
You do need to use root tabs on your crypts as they are heavy root feeders. This will help with the nutrient deficiency issues they are having.

You don't have a lot of stem plants that I can see but I would suggest using some type of ferts at least on a weekly basis for those you do have. Liquid ferts are too expensive to use on a large tank but you could do dry ferts which are very economical and dose them 1 or 2 times weekly. Right now you don't have enough stem plants that warrant daily fert dosing.

I would however suggest using liquid carbon daily at 1ml per every 2 gallons. With having a large tank you should look into getting Metricide 14 Day Solution which costs about $27 shipped for a gallon. It is twice the strength of Excel so I dilute it at a 1:1 ratio with RO or distilled water. I use old Excel bottles to store the mixed solution as Glutaraldehyde breaks down in quickly in light rendering it useless.
I love the g6. It's zero bypass. I run the polishing filter and change every 2 days.
It can't do a 90 alone so I'm supplementing a 406
Just hooked up my CO2 system. I have it timed with the lights from 2-9 pm daily. My java fern are burning I believe. Crypts are yellowing. I have added root tabs to all plants now. Hope to see some great success soon.
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