My new betta tank... Potential tank mates?

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Jul 17, 2012
I live in Minnesota
I have recently purchased a five point five gallon tank. I am going to put a betta in there, along with some shrimp. Any suggestions for anything else?:thanks:
opo said:
I have recently purchased a five point five gallon tank. I am going to put a betta in there, along with some shrimp. Any suggestions for anything else?:thanks:

If you're talking about more fish I wouldn't add anymore. You might be able to add a snail. Keep in mind the shrimp may become Betta dinner.
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I agree with the above posters. 5 gallons doesn't give room for much else and bettas are so iffy with their tolerance even the shrimp may not work out.
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A snail would be tank mate, but I would suggest not getting an apple snail or mystery snail-they produce a lot of waste! You could try some shrimp, your betta may or may not accept them, so ghost shrimp are always the best attempt shrimp!
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I have a beautiful 3 year old betta in vase. We purchased a 6.6 gallon tank a few months ago and were told by the pet store that the 2 serpae tetras would get along with other fish. Wrong! Our betta is very, very friendly and wants to be talked to before he is fed and is very clam and mild with other fish. The serpae tetras are the aggressors in our tank. Finnias, our betta had to go back to the large vase for now!
Moved to Getting Started.

Opo, I agree with the advice you have been given about tankmates. Ghost shrimp are not as pretty (imo) as some other shrimp, but they are still fun to watch and often do fine with bettas. Red cherry shrimp or other colorful dwarf shrimp tend to be betta lunch, but not always. It depends on the betta, and how well planted the tanks is.

Becky, I suggest you try and get a 20g for your serpaes and then let the betta live in the 6.6g tank. Unfortunately, you were not given good advice about tankmates. Good thing you found out before something more serious happened though. :) Still, the vase is not the best home for the betta, so I suggest you try and get him into a tank as soon as you can. In the meantime, be sure to do plenty of water changes so his water is clean and keep him in a warm part of the house.
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