my nightmare is over

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evil Nick

Aquarium Advice Addict
Oct 9, 2014
Those who may remember my stories know the aggravation my reef tank was causing me. between bouts of ich that I got from somewhere to this insane mutant algae that literally took 5 week in a dark bucket to start dying off my rocks. Well yesterday my heater in the tank crashed and I didnt notice. Everything died. Im sad for the fish and my neat serpant star and urchin but in the end the tank was being re set up in a 20 gallon long anyway and losing its spot back to a freshwater planted.

My only decision is whether I want to even start another one up. I would like to give it one more go, I have the equipment, but just to set it all up and then see that algae start growing again if it wasnt 1000000000000% killed off would just wreck me.

I planned this time on doing a sump and only keeping a couple unstacked rock in the DT so they could easily be removed and cleaned when/if needed.

What would you guys do?
So did I, I thought anyways.. when my unit crapped out a few months ago I started using Poland spring distilled and my algae has been on the decline ever since.
So did I, I thought anyways.. when my unit crapped out a few months ago I started using Poland spring distilled and my algae has been on the decline ever since.

its funny, I always bought my water from the pet store. I tested it occasionally and while not 0 it was low though their filters looked like trash recently.

The guy who worked there swore he ran his reef on nothing more than a brita filter hooked up to his faucet with nothing else.
Depending on who you ask... I've been told spring water is fine for a reef too. I think it's avoiding the heavy metals, phosphates!!!! And nitrates..
Is your life too busy right now, too much other things going on to give the tank a bit extra effort???

A regular SW tank should be enjoyable for you not just the biggest pain ever! So just think if you WANT to do the moderate extra effort and if that effort gives the the higher level of happiness to warrant the work.

Of course you can do it. Sometimes a change of materials or strategy, method can make the change to get a better result.

It sounds like the algae from hell was a big trial. Can you do something to ensure the algae is finally dead? Does H2O2 work for these rocks like with FW? You can't boil... toxic possibilities.

Sorry to hear of the heater issue and your losses. Recently I had a heater stick and over heated the tank too before I found the issue.

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