My Planned Aquarium

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Aquarium Advice Apprentice
Feb 2, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
Hi all,

Well, after a break from my first attempt at keeping fish, I'm tempted to try again, but with better pre-planning this time around :)

1. Tank size 36x18x18 - 50gallon
2. Current filtration Fluval 205
3. Type of substrate Fine Gravel/sand
4. pH of your water Neutral / alkaline
5. What type of fish you like the most :

I am open to suggestions, but would like to stay away from mollies and guppies if possible. My aim is to have a busy aquarium with groups of schooling fish with maybe a centrepiece fish

Thanks to anyone who can help and offer suggestions :)
Cories! LOL I just got some, and i love them. Everyone says there great bottom dwellers. Also, they stay small. There are lots of different kinds just google them. As for centerpiece fish, gouramis are really nice, or angelfish.
Cories, otos, cherry barbs, and a dwarf gourami or a pair of rams, German Blue Rams or Bolivian Rams.

Oh, and lots of plants, live or plastic. :)
hmm, thanks for the replies :)

Though, i think i might change my mind and have a go at malawi cichlids. I just don't know how many fish i could have in my 50 gallon tank. (i think its 50 ... i used a conversion tool i found on the web and thats what it gave me ?? )

I have a list of a few fish i would like to have in the tank - they are all listed as peaceful, but territorial.

The biggest grows to 6.5" . Is this too large for a tank my size ?

Thanks again :)
Yes, it's 50G. 6.5 inches isn't too big for the 50G, just need to make sure about compatability for the particular types of fish you get.
Loaches are nice I want some but the tank i have now is full but when I set up my next one they are a deffinet. There are lots of different loaches to. Also don't forget a pleco(I like clowns and brstlenose myself). As for active fish I think the most active i have seen would be danios and you could have lots of those most stay under 2". Well good luck.( that beep says fihs just reverse the H and the S.
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