my puffer is dead...

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Aquarium Advice Newbie
Feb 20, 2004
I just introduced a small spotted puffer and a picasso trigger to a well-established 55gal tank. My tank already had two damsels and a mandarin fish, and a valentini puffer. I made sure that all of my water conditions were correct before even begining to aclimate my new fish. Everything seemed to be great- both of my new fish were swimming around exploring things, and neither looked even remotely sick. When i woke up this morning, my puffer was dead, but my picasso and all of my other fish were just fine. What could have happened? I would really like to get another one, but i dont want it to die on me again. Any advice??
Was the puffer from a full salt tank or a brackish one? If it was a brakich species and not slowly acclimated to a salt environment the quick change could have done it in....

That's awful!
Talk to the LFS where you got your puffer and see if they are having problems with theirs (you never know). If they are fine, find the species name and gather more information on that puffer.
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