My rainbow committed suicide!

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Aquarium Advice Freak
Jan 25, 2006
Grand Ledge, MI
Was having an issue today with my rainbow shark. He's been in there a couple of weeks and pretty much just seemed to chill out, eat off the plants and the bottom and stuff and never seemed to bother anyone.

But today he was just MEAN! Was REALLY terrorizing the Bala . . .I mean big time, and he was relentless about it.

So, off he went to the QT in the other room. Went back to the big tank, put my net away and sat down to watch the Bala and make sure he tried to settle down. Ended up getting a phone call and stayed on there for about half an hour. When I hung up, I went back to the other room and the rainbow was nowhere to be seen. Found him on the floor next to the baseboard heater . . .dead and dried stiff.

I was mad . . . .little jerk.

Add to that that I lost the Betta that I have been nursing for the last 5 days this morning.

On top of that, I've been in mourning all day for the loss of character from my favorite TV show of all time last night and the way in which it was done. (Those of you who are fans of "The Shield" will know EXACTLY what I'm talking about!)

siiiiiiigh. Maybe tomorrow will be better.
I feel your pain and sadness.... :( I have suffered and think i'm going to end up with another dead fish in the next couple of weeks. It's fretting and wont eat since he lost his friend... A 20" Salmon Catfish.....
I'm sorry about your fish!! It's so depressing when they die.. and I haven't even had mine very long! I wonder why he started acting like that just out of the blue?!?!?
Oh, that's too bad. :( Sorry to hear it and hope your week improves.
Well, we've decided to suck up to the Bala and went out and got him two buddies of equal size (about 3"). Wow, its like a complete personality change. The three of them schooled up together within an hour and haven't been apart since. My wife loves the Bala's, and now I have what I hope will be a plausible excuse when I tell her I need a 150 Gallon tank. ("Oh well, sorry Honey, if I can't get it, then I guess the Bala's have to go.") Yeah, yeah, I know, emotional blackmail . . . .but . . . the fish mafia is ruthless.
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