My SAE's are starting to annoy me...

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Aquarium Advice Addict
Feb 4, 2004
Roscoe, IL
I love my SAE's, but every time they go sideways/partially upside down to nibble on a leaf or something, I see that flash of silver and gold that I've come to equate with dying/dead fish. Then I see them flop back over and move on. Does anyone else have experiences like this?
Thats what SAE's do. They get on every angle to eat algae. Then they get chased by my RTBS and jump out.
I've lost alot of my SAE's to jumping out over the past years (mostly when I'm at camp or at college). I think i've lost maybe 80-90% of my past populations (I think I had maybe 8-10 over 4 years) There is only one survivor now, and he is 2-3x bigger than the rest. I can't seem to find any bigger SAE's either. He's kind of left out of the school and it's sad.
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